I've seen good ones, and I've seen bad ones. Those of you that know mine and Mike's story, good. I'm not going to rehash it for the billionth time. My opinion though on LDR's is that, yes, they can bring about a sense of deeper emotional intimacy, but sometimes with that intimacy can come tunnel vision or blindness (Case in point: I have seen a couple of my girlfriends have this. Lost them as friends when I warned them with my hunch. Sad thing was, my hunches were always right). As you all know, this can be dangerous to the person as their emotions are played like a puppet by a marionette. After a period of time, if they do not give you information of themselves that you can research for yourself, run, but again with the tunnel vision and blindness, someone might not think twice about the lack of information that they have received. With that in mind, an LDR/IR is best in the hands of someone that can think rationally and be able to question things without fear. Whether or not an LDR/IR is usually coming from an extrovert or introvert is a moot point, as it happens to people of the opposite end of the spectrum. Some people might find it daunting to meet someone IRL or might not know how to navigate it and therefore the internet dating scene appeals to them more. Others might go, "Hey, you're interesting. Let's talk more." (or even roleplaying. ;) ) and things about the personal life and possibly emotional leaning/shoulder might develop, which in turn could turn into an LDR/IR. Some find it easier to go to dating sites when all avenues have been exhausted on their quest for love and companionship. Nothing wrong with that. But I think at least most of us realize or recognize the danger signs of LDR/IR. If not, you can message me, my husband, or some of the other senior members here, and we can tell you or steer you on the right path on what to look out for if you are questioning your partner in your LDR/IR. Questioning is always good. Compared to in person relationship, well, I must say, during my two months of an LDR/IR with Mike, there was this hyper-sexual flirtation and overall pure innocence in the beginning of the LDR. We never really had any problems except for the 1800 mile distance that was closed quickly and permanently. It made it easier for my family knowing that Mike lived literally 5 minutes away from my great uncle (seriously, what are the odds of that!). But in person and with as long as we've been together (with a kid most of our relationship), it can be tiring to see each other. I believe that you can get a deeper appreciation for who the person is in person. There's a whole nother feeling of wanting their arms around you or their lips on your neck and actually getting it that you can only imagine through the computer screen or on the phone. While masturbating to each other over the phone/skype can be fun and all, it still does not compare to the real thing. Going out to eat and doing something for the other in to spend quality time with each other in person far exceeds that of the phone or the internet. While the LDR/IR was fun, being able to have him in person is far better through the ups and downs. And naturally, the LDR/IR is just a stepping stone in the serious and long term relationship, whether it be the beginning, middle (when circumstances forces you to live apart) or end.