[color=f6989d]"Well, he's the only lead we've got, we might as well follow, right?"[/color] I said with my best imitation of a shrug. Said imitation was so poor that it only served to remind me that I no longer possessed limbs. I really hoped that would change soon. I would have headed north, leaving the others behind again, however, Alan picked me up, and whispered [color=a2d39c]"Do I have to remind you that they're our only allies right now? Please, stay with the group,"[/color] I decided to not fight him and just wait until HE headed north, all the while, the rest were just standing there, looking at 'dracmon' as he talks and belittles us. I had enough free time to notice something a bit weird about this place... we were outside, yet, the air didn't really seem 'fresh', so to speak. It almost seemed artificial, or, possibly even alien, and, finally, once I was sure everyone was done listening, I reiterated my point [color=f6989d]"We might as well head north... it's the only direction that MAY lead to something,"[/color] through this, I pointed out that pretty much none of us knew where we were going, or where we were supposed to be. I then recalled something that he just said... something about castles appearing overnight, and how that supposedly not unusual for this place, that the unusual thing was the undead ... digimon? Was that what they were called? That odd name almost reminded me of something else, but, the main thing was that, if these were robots, or some sort of thing made of code... how could there BE undead? You can rebuild a robot, or turn it off and on and it wouldn't be some undead monstrosity, right? Maybe I was just missing the point, and there was some other reason they called them undead, even if they technically weren't.