Izy had just been traveling through the city when out of nowhere what seemed like statues attached her. They were big and made of stone and metals, nothing she couldn't handle. She stepped into the street where they were standing. Then huge in a flash her arm became a huge sword with the center being a pillar of bone an inch thick. All around it like a double sided blade were sharp metal slabs half a foot wide on each side with razor sharp edges. In all it was around five feet long and one foot wide making a deadly blade against anything. Enhancing her leg muscles she leaped up in front of one of them and swong her sword diagonally across its body as it raised its hand to try and block it but the blade cut through its arm and through the rest of its body leaving only the legs which fell over a few seconds after. Once she killed a few more she leapt to the top of a building and began surching for any survivors or the one behind this whole ordeal. After a few minutes of searching (and a whole lot of statue killing) she found what seemed like a group of survivors. Only moments after she touched down on the ground a statue came running around a corner and as soon as it did its body was severed down the middle in un even cuts. What happened was Izy had made her arm into a large whip sword and extended it and chopped the state in half. It didn't know what hit it.