Assasination. That was pretty much what Bern had asked her to do. To assasinate the "Heretic" as her fellows were so keen on calling him. Well, at least this was better than killing innocents. At least this one could fight back. [color=yellow]"As you will, Sword of Naga."[/color] Chloetta said to Bern before turning and started heading out the opening to the tent before turning around and speaking once more, [color=yellow]"Expect me to return."[/color] Now she just needed to gather the cavaliers. . . Which were not all that hard to find really. Quickly she gathered them and their horses and the troop were off towards their destination to meet up with the other soldiers. [color=yellow]"If this 'Champion' were to fail, perhaps more could live."[/color] She needed to believe so much to continue down the path she was going.