[@Inertia] Everything looks good! :D definitely accepted! But I do want to remind you of one little thing. So, a clans power is finite and shared within its members. So in this aspect lets assume a clan has a power of 100. Now, if only one person is using that power at any given time. Their power with that ability is 100. Now, lets say two people are using that ability at a time. Then one would get 50 while the other would get 50. and so on. Split equally with all using the clan ability at the same time as someone else within the clan. This is why Clans usually only offer up one elite member into the Safe Zones hunting party. (Some stronger clans can offer up 2 members because if their inherent power is high enough that 2 members, even operating at 50 of their full potential, are still competent out in the field.) That being said, you having stated in your history that Liatris had lead a hunting party in his clan. That is acceptable. By the thought that maybe they left Liatris or another to be the user of the clans power while the rest of the party were simply Foot Soldier types. Or even equally splitting up the finite power of the guild across the hunting party (given the Logios' ability that could make perfect sense. Spreading out the power in numbers instead of sheer, singular power.) Just thought I should clarify in case the clans power usage was unclear. :) Again, love the character and concept. Feel free to add him to the CS thread. :)