[color=D6CC88]Cecil was upset, and what he was saying upset Amuné. Sleeping was different -- they /had/ to sleep. He didn't have to kill, he'd done just fine up until then. It was a mistake because he'd done it when he didn't need to, and it was wrong. That's what a mistake was! Even if he was following his programming, people could learn not to act certain ways, and the girl was sure he could to. Besides, fighting was more than just killing. You could fight with words -- or to protect someone. And as much as the Machina had frightened her, she worried what would happen if he went off on his own. What if he needed help again? What if there wasn't anyone to snap him out of it if something like the mess earlier happened again? Even though they hadn't done it very well, they could find a way to get through to him better, couldn't they, so he could be stopped? She pulled her knees to her chest, looking miserable. The child wasn't willing to say any of what she was thinking to Cecil, at least not directly. She wasn't angry with him, but she still didn't want to interact with him, at least not yet, and as for forgiving him for what he'd done...that might take a while. The mention of touching something and seeing strange things brought her head up, and her eyes focused on Cecil. "You saw things?" Amuné echoed, startled from her avoidance of speaking to him. "Like a vision?" She started to say more, but closed her mouth instead and bit her lip, glancing uneasily at Ethan. What did it mean, if the Machina had visions too?[/color]