[b][color=yellow]Michael Watts a.k.a Omega[/color][/b] A small crater appeared a few meters away from Black Cheshire. It had taken a bit, but as the dust settled, nine other than Omega had appeared in the flesh. "Don't you look amazing." He said with a smile. "Get yourself to HQ. Coach just put me in the game." Michael ironically seemed excited to stretch his legs. A statue came at him with a punch, which then countered with his own punch cracking the foe until it fell into pieces. "Seriously, where are the metal ones." He said as he eyed several statues of mixed composition as his next targets. He leapt at the group of enemies, knocking a metal statue down with a punch to the head. It had fallen, but wasn't out. It did however have fist shaped dent in its head now. He quickly reached out his hand and used his telekinesis to compactt one of the stone statues into a sphere of stone before slamming in onto another stone statue. He pushed the rest of the statues away from himself so he could focus on the one with the pretty lousy face. [i]If I can dent them, I can shape them[/i] Michael thought as he began to pound, twist, and contort the statue into a huge club-like weapon. Michael held it in both and before lunging forward into a group of statues as he swung the weapon. Heads and shoulders cracked, shattered and flew at the booming sound of the impact. [i]Damn, I knew I should have used a baseball reference to Wicked instead of a basketball.[/i]