[h2][centre][b]'KABOOM!'[/b][/centre][/h2] Not all the meta humans were on the same level... A nearby fuel station erupts in a gigantic tall torrent of flame, smoke and debris, scattering miles high into the sky, the air shook with the thundering aggressive billowing roar of an explosion. Many people died, charred bodies and pieces were strewn throughout the blast radius. One demon had found an effective method of destruction. Amongst the dead Kain was not one of them, barely. He lay in a crumbled brick wall across the street, his clothes nearly all tattered and torn, still singed and charring. Much of his flesh was shredded by shards of glass and brick, the rest burnt or sickly melted. Beneath large gashes and open wounds shimmers of a shiny extra skeletal system protected his organs. Just. Bones were broken and nearly all hair was gone. His heart still beat, even if it was only pushing more blood into the pool on the floor. Kain never would know to call his survival lucky or not. But one thing was for sure, that one life threatening incident would defiantly impact his future. Not that he could think or consider such things as he lay there unconscious in the grasps of deaths hand with his fate resting on the mercy of a chance discovery.