Ethan couldn't argue that, Cecil really wasn't the same as they were. Flesh and bone, living breathing beings, that wasn't something you'd describe a Machina with. But then it wasn't fair to say he wasn't alive either. Clearly Cecil felt things and had thoughts, he wanted things and he was learning, that was being alive wasn't it? "Well... I mean so you're made of metal, it doesn't change that you go through things like a living person does, right?" he asked, smiling uncertainly, "And... People are kind of programmed too, if you think about it. We're taught things and we think a certain way, so... You're not that different from us. My mom always said that you can't get angry with people for being who they are, it's not fair if you do. And you're a good person even if you made a mistake." Convincing Cecil that he wasn't a bad person or a threat to them was proving far more difficult than he'd anticipated. Everything said was sincere and with good intention yet none of it seemed to make it through to the Machina. "Okay, well... A soldier is trained to kill someone, but does that make them a murderer? Or are they protecting something they care about? You're like that, just someone who killed to keep people safe. Whether I agree with that or not doesn't change you did it to protect us, or am I wrong about that?" He knew he wasn't, or he liked to think he wasn't. Sometimes in the heat of a fight things happened you couldn't always control and you could only react, he looked at it now in that lens instead of Cecil maliciously killing in cold blood. "Maybe your purpose is to protect people? Why does it have to be something bad like killing?" Ethan suggested as he took back his hand, sitting in front of Cecil and crossing his legs. "Instead of looking at it like that, think about your purpose being keeping people safe? If... If it means killing someone then... Well, it's what you had to do. You're not a murderer though, you're someone protecting others. That sounds more like a hero to me." He'd missed it before in the conversation but Amuné brought it up again; at some point on the ship Cecil had seen something. Might sound a bit strange just saying you saw something unless you understood what [i]seeing[/i] meant, especially from Amuné's point of view. It was odd hearing it from the Machina since he didn't think they could have visions like that. Meeting Amuné's gaze he frowned, trying to make sense of what it might mean. Before he could ask Cecil about it further Nymira spoke up and interrupted him. "As touching as all of this is we're still in trouble," the Dimuran pointed out impatiently, "Or have you forgotten? This should wait until later, once we're at least outside of town." Whatever Cecil was going through he would have to endure until then, sitting around in such a manner was a threat to their safety. With that blasted healer having all but abandoned them as well they were all but ready to depart, if not for one small matter. "We should retrieve our cart too if nothing else, we've already lost our weapons. Not to mention our funds are still on there." When given an incredulous look by Ethan she frowned at him, placing her hands on her hips in a testy manner. "What? You didn't expect me to carry that with me did you? I don't care at all about your people's money, it does me little good outside of your territories. If someone finds it then I'll simply get more somehow." Must be nice to not worry about money at all, Ethan thought as he nodded his head. They should get the cart back but it wasn't going to be easy if guards were out looking for them. Given how much time had passed though it should be a good while before news had spread, with luck they could move about town without drawing too much attention. "We should get Zander too, leaving him here is a death trap for him." They owed the healer little and arguably not having him in the group might be easier, yet how could they willingly leave someone to their demise? Besides Ethan was optimistic after some time together that roughness would fade, just as he was sure Nymira wasn't always going to be difficult. He sure hoped so because working with her otherwise was quite a challenge. "Cart first, then Zander, then we can get out of this place..." Ethan repeated as he got to his feet a touch unsteadily. He was beginning to feel better though it would take most of the evening to replenish his energy, even longer if they didn't get some food. Extending a hand to help Cecil up he got him to his feet, then offering a hand for Amuné to take. With luck Zander hadn't gotten too terribly far, though having no clue where he may have gone was slightly problematic. Nymira wanted to argue to just abandon the damned healer yet refrained, knowing too well by now Ethan would idiotically defend the decision. His abilities could prove useful at the very least even if she had no use for the man himself. At least they could retrieve their goods before going on a wild chase for that insufferable Muran. "Your damn towns are like mazes, it's hard to say which way we should even go," the Dimuran grumbled as they cut back through the streets, making a point to circle far around the mayor's building. No movement from the guard yet was encouraging yet no reason to press their luck. Word of the attack had yet to spread as they reached the stables, not terribly surprising it seemed. The mayor appeared to be the sort of man who cordoned himself off from the rest of his people and ruled from high atop his... Chair. A unlikable ruler if Nymira had ever seen one, thinking he could dictate policy and his people while being so detached. A leader worked with their people and fought alongside them, not sitting in a cushy chair behind a desk. If he was actually liked by his subjects then there would be mourning for his death as well, yet Nymira doubted there would be any of that either. Watching as the stable hands set up their horses again she let out a sigh, baffled by how the Muran governments seemed to operate. Detached from their followers and expected to follow for what reason? She didn't understand their culture it seemed, she had a lot to learn before she could return home. "Hey thanks again for looking after the horses, we really appreciate it!" Ethan said as he climbed up onto Jorvind, helping Amuné up as well. With Nymira on the other and Cecil tucked away on the cart he gave their mount a kick in the side, easing their way down the street to search for Zander. There was no telling whatsoever where he might have gone, but he had a guess to start with inns. The healer had to be staying somewhere after all right?