[quote=Turtlicious] Do you ever wonder if your girlfriend is actually a 700lb man from wisconsin? You do when you're on the internet and you start not to trust them. As for the rest, I'll have to respectfully disagree being in both relationships. Most of my time in actual physical relationships were just that. Physical. We wouldn't talk as much, (only an hour or two a day at most,) and when we were together we were more interested in boning and talking about boning then actually building a relationship. A relationship in which you stare at someone and talk can be very draining and a lot of it tends to be superficial, there's only so much time you can spend talking with someone IRL before you both want to kill yourselves., (this again plays into the introvert thing, introverts are content to sit in silence next to a person and call it bonding,) it's a lot easier to pussy foot around issues when you show your physically uncomfortable with the subject matter.Inversely, online relationships tend to cover every object under the sun and require at least 6-7 hours a day of conversation. I just got off the phone with my girlfriend, (we date both online and IRL,) and...We spoke for 7 hours, 41 minutes, and 31 seconds. (BlueRose was re-named Iris for a shadowrun game and I never chagned her name back ^_^;;)If you're in an actual relationship with someone, you're not going to find 8 hours a day to talk with them, and if you actually asked for that people would call you nuts, clingy, and probably worse. E: You have to be an introvert to make them work because an Extrovert wouldn't be the kind of person to sit on skype for 8 hours a day, they'd be out mingling and being an extrovert. [/quote] I am sincerely sorry about your experience of physical relationships. That's not the norm for me, and most women I know would hate for a relationship to be so physical without any substantial connection emotionally or mentally behind it. Then again, my boyfriend and I have been together for two years and haven't had sex, so we have no other choice but to build a relationship that's based off of emotional and mental understanding. I also kind of grouped sitting and being content with each other's company as part of physical communication because it counts as nonverbal communication, but if don't see it as that then that's okay too. I am indeed an extrovert and I am perfectly fine with spending five hours on a Skype with my boyfriend, which we do at least 4-5 times out of the week. It's just that I do it after I mingle and whatnot. And the thing is, sometimes it's us talking while we're gaming (that activity is more of a couples thing because I don't play anything unless it's with him), sometimes it's while I'm doing calc homework or online shopping or whatever, but we're able to switch topics from topics that are superficial in nature to really deep in nature. I think both are healthy in a relationship because without the superficial talk, flirting or dirty talk, it would be devoid of any "coupley" affection, and without the deep stuff, there's no way for you to progress the relationship in a way that's not physical. Basically, I don't think it has anything to do with your personality or being in intro/extrovert; I think it's more of the mentality you bring to the online relationship. I honestly think anybody could have a successful e-relationship given that on both ends the expectations and understanding are the same.