[h3]Mary | Abandoned Subway Forward Base[/h3] As advised by Nero, the Order members had set up a small checkpoint at the Abandoned Subway near Memorial park. An important looking Order knight named Rodan directed and supervised while Mary stood awkwardly off in the corner. Even if she was a decent fighter and was a part of the Order, she wasn't an Order knight. So there wasn't really much for her to do while her comrades set up base. Eventually, everything was set up, and there were some Order members ready to begin searching the underground system of Balour just like Gilgamesh's "Reclaimer" squad. Mary decided she would happily lead half of this squad, the other half being lead by Rodan. Both of them were to report back immediately if they found the ruins, so they could go grab the Field Commander. They were also told not to engage if possible. Mary's group quickly diverged from Rodan's, since the tunnel quickly split off into a side tunnel. Rodan took the main tunnel, and Mary directed her group into the other hallway. It looked as if it was in deeper disrepair than the other one, danker and more moldy. Hopefully that meant that the way she was going lead to an older area, like, say, the ruins she needed to find. A few twists and turns later, she and her crew were stopped in their tracks. A small liquid beast was in between them, and the only other direction to go. It was probably a demon, all things considered. She knew Nero said not to engage, but this thing was directly in their way. Surely the fate of the world meant more than orders. She would at least try reasoning with it, though judging by it's mindless nature, it probably wouldn't work. Mary walked up to the beast, arms open and weapons stored. A gesture of goodwill towards the creature. It slowly turned in Mary's direction, groaning all the while. As it saw her, it paused briefly, before raising it's arm and slamming it downwards onto Mary. [color=f6989d]"Hmph. Okay."[/color] The strike was easily blocked by the Falling Leaf Blade, deftly pulled out as the demon winded up. It was a strike more powerful than a full force human, but with Mary's attributes it was deflected with ease. She quickly dashed around to the flank of the monster and stabbed it in the side as many times as she could. Every time she pulled it out, the blade became covered in more blood. The foul stench filled her nostrils, intoxicating her and putting her on edge. The thing swung at her again, this time a bit faster. She easily stepped out of it's range. [color=f6989d]"Get back, please."[/color] She pleasantly commanded to the soldiers. Since Ascension was no longer common practice, it was best if Mary dealt with this beast in an environment free of people to get in her way. Not that it would matter much since this would be quick. A flick of this wrist, and the Plain Ol' Doll was in her hands, and unloading 3 shots in quick succession into the short blob. It flinched visibly, and Mary decided she would go in for the kill. She put away both of her previous weapons and pulled out her master's old favorite. The Burial Suit. She dashed forward with it raised, a blank expression on her pale face flecked with blood. And in an instant, it was over. For a second, all seemed quiet, until the being exploded into a geyser of blood, staining the walls and the back of Mary's dress. She looked at the stain in dismay. [color=f6989d]"Ah damn."[/color] She mumbled as she thought of how much of a pain this would be to remove. But the weirdest part was the blood seemed human. And a quick look behind confirmed the demon didn't dissolve. Infact, it wasn't a demon. It appeared to be some kind of telekinetic construct. It was possible that the demon in the park had made these, and it was guarding the entrance to the ruins somewhere nearby. Mary pressed on with more resolve. She needed to find these ruins, stat.