[center][color=ed1c24][b]Visi-Play AKA Miles Bronson[/b][/color][/center] A sudden flinch was made from the explosion that just occurred maybe a few yards away from where Miles, Grant, and the other two who joined them were. Watching the flames, debris, and smoke going up into the sky, Miles used his X-Ray vision to see through the smoke to catch a few who weren't moving, more than likely dead from the view of stopped hearts. [color=ed1c24]Shit...[/color] Turning to Grant [color=ed1c24]Excuse me.[/color] as he ran towards the smoke to get a closer look at who could possibly still be alive. Covering his nose and coughing from the fumes and feeling the heat while cautiously creeping through with burning eyes, Kain could be seen with the other bodies that were unfortunately no longer living. Rushing to him, he called out [color=ed1c24]Hey...are you still conscious?[/color] not getting an answer, checking the injuries that were sustained, he needed medical attention and quickly. His heart was still beating...barely and doubting that the medics could get into the cloud of smoke and debris and not wanting to wait until the fumes have completely covered the inside of his and Kain's lungs, Miles took it upon himself to carefully pick the guy up. Noticing some shininess through the wounds, Miles could only wonder what the hell that was...maybe metal plates...who knows, he didn't know what Kain was capable of. He rushed him from the smoke cloud hoping that the explosions were over and that there were no statue sneak attacks happening while running to the medics to drop Kain off and join the fray again once he saw his...well...comrade was safe. [@Dark Light][@Blop][@Wick]