Matthew nodded to Sayuri. "I welcome the help of course we can pay you a wage." He smiled and then looked at the crowd. "Alright, I'm going to get these books put away, then I have to see about wagons and horses. We should head into Plegia first, a lot of reports have come in about attacks and destruction of villages." He said as he started towards the door. The tactician nodded to Andross. "A dance could be of use to us, I'd be happy to have you along. Just one thing, they call me the Champion of Naga. Lady Tiki is the voice." He smiled as he walked away from the dancer, the books were really getting quite heavy now. Matthew paused long enough to explain a couple of things to Mars. "The Shepherds don't protect sheep... Rather it's the name of a volunteer fighting force that travels and fights were it needs to. Smaller and better equipped than a standard army it can move faster and strike where needed." He explained to the Manakete woman. "If you like I've got a book in here Tiki and the Hero king Marth." He said, knowing she wanted to read on Manaketes. The young man looked to Jerod, he looked the veteran type. "Would you mind getting everyone inside and help get things set up." He asked politely enough before entering himself and setting down the books, he quickly wrote a message and attached to a raven, sending it off to the quarter master to prepare some wagons and a few additional hands to help them travel. The Tactician then lifted his hand and released a wind spell blow dust and cob webs out the windows, he repeated this in each room of the barracks until he finished. He returned to the common room smiling as put his books on the now clean shelf. Humming he plucked one of the books on Mark and claimed his room, near the end of the hall it had three book cases, it would be enough for now. Soon the raven returned and he called out down the hall. "Can everyone be ready to travel in an hour?" He asked, hoping so they really needed to get moving. Plegia would no doubt be the landing point for the invasion forces. [s]_______________________________________________________________________________________[/s] Bern gathered what remained of his forces, Genna climbed up onto the back of one of the spare horses. Bern taking most of the army and heading north. Genna looked to Chloetta speaking to her now as they rode along. "You don't think much of Bern do you?" Asked the observant archer, not accusing so much as asking. "I do not remember much... You are from the Church in west, yes? Please I'd like to know more about my new commander." She said politely, young woman giving a small smile. Genna would otherwise remain silent until they crossed the border. A small group of soldiers waited for them, twelve in total. Each carried a lance, most of them were from the West formerly of Rosanne's army no doubt. They saluted Chloetta and the captain stepped forward. "We came up to meet you, the camp is not far. We have three mages, two monks, four clerics, and about dozen mercenaries and warriors as well." He answered before stepping back into line and awaiting orders. [s]_______________________________________________________________________________________[/s] Vera nodded, as Sules spun in circles now watching his ravens circle over head. "Head slightly south east from here. Watch for pegasus patrols and be ready to answer any questions they have." The red haired barbarian answered as she pointed the way. "Failing that, the horse knows the way. So just let her lead if your lost, Sules and I need to go, safe journey... Oh and he wasn't lying about the newt thing... I've seen him do it." Vera waved halfheartedly as walked back towards the village. Sules smiled in a goofy fashion stumbling back and forth dizzy. "Yep! Course the general did get better... After about a year..." He giggled again, walking away in a zigzagging line as he tried to catch up to Vera. He fell over and Vera picked him up with one hand carrying the boy along now as they left the man stand in the desert with a horse. Most would consider that one of the best encounters one could have with Vera and Sules. Normally Sules through curse's first and then asked why. Vera just killed anyone she meet who she didn't like, all and all Guillame was rather a lucky man.