[hider= Thoth] Full Name: Thoth (Dhwty) Nickname: The Scribe, He Who Balances, The King of Games, Lord of Khemennu, Wordborn One, Voice of Ra, The Lunar Eye, He who bears two faces, The Thrice Triumphant. Age: N/a Gender: Male Race: God Pantheon: Egyptian [hider=Artifacts(s): ] Thoth's Was: A staff-like scepter, a tool created by Thoth for the purpose of amplifying his already substantial powers. Other gods may use it as well, and Thoth often lends it to a god who needs it to restore the balance of all things. He may recall it at anytime, usually at the most crucial moment. Mortals may also use this weapon, elevating them to divine-like status, although without the essence of divinity already within them, it cannot be used to fullest extent. The Feather of Ma'at: A feather of his female counterpart, useful in writing and recording things. It also never lies, meaning that whatever it writes becomes truth. Usually used in the weighing ceremony to write the true names of those judged into the book of the dead and the rulings thereof, while its twin is used to weigh the heart itself. The Books of Thoth: A vault of information written on enormous stone blocks, written upon by the God himself, and then shrunk down into the size of a grain of sand by his magics. Simply beholding the single grain itself is to unveil a small truth of the universe or learning of one of the secrets Thoth preserves. Yet such terrible insight often comes at a cost, as those who seek to glean the knowledge of these blocks are slowly driven mad to hunger for more knowledge, until the craving never stops. [/hider] Powers: Magic, Words, Knowledge, Celestial influences, Godly Powers. Appearance: [hider= Representational Form, Wearing the Ibis mask and shroud] [img] http://pre14.deviantart.net/8e7a/th/pre/f/2015/080/8/d/thoth_by_lancelotrichardson-d8mj2sg.jpg [/img] [/hider] [hider= True Form, holding Was] [img] http://orig10.deviantart.net/ad31/f/2015/128/1/f/eistibus__angel_of_divination_by_petemohrbacher-d8slgfa.jpg [/img] [/hider] Likes: Writing, Bookkeeping, Mysticism. Dislikes: Imbalance, Ignorance, Illiteracy. [hider=Strengths:] Nigh Omniscient: As the Scribe of the Gods, Thoth is able to know every thought, Godly or Mortal, and record them either into memory or in physical media. No secrets are held from his knowing save for the glimpses of the future which he seeks to manipulate. Not Bound by Fate: He himself is not chained to follow the decrees and rulings of fate, able to act independently of such a force. He can also alter the course of destiny, using his powers to influence and sometimes greatly changing the outcomes of things to ensure there is no progression towards an end game. Superior Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Magical Powers which supersede many of the gods of his own Pantheon, and Easily rivaling that of gods in their own domain such as Ra in the sky or even Osiris in the Underworld. [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] Pacifist: Does not have a hand in war or conflict. Merely acting to support one side over the other by restoring damages and loss, as opposed to being directly involved. Also makes him quite apathetic to the plight of humans or other gods. Bound by Equilibrium: Cannot use his powers to achieve a definite end, that is, he cannot completely take the entirety of the moon's light during his gamble, but certainly make take a portion of it to create five more days in a given year which repeats itself cyclically. There is a limitation to what he will, or perhaps can do, in the pursuit of Balancing the universe. True Name: He can be bound by knowing his true name and reciting it in his presence. [/hider] Quirks: "Fate prefers the end of a game, but Equilibrium prefer the game itself." Fears: That the "game" will end, and all existence as we know it becomes naught. Ambition: To extend the "game" as long as possible, thus avoiding the ultimate destruction of the universe. Personality: A rather powerful figure amongst its own Pantheon, and quite known outside of it. Thoth is a God of Knowledge within his pantheon who is often sought for council. Wise in all affairs, but strangely vague in demeanor, both trusted and suspicious at the same time. His advice is always good, for it is said his voice embodies the will of the universe, that he himself is a partial conscious representation of it. But with all the mysticism and cryptic utterances, Thoth is still a God who plays the cosmic game to keep the forces in alignment. After all it is said to be he who directs the very moments of the celestial skies. Most importantly is his neutrality in all affairs, which has earned him both the respect and ire of many gods who have come to him seeking assistance or support, after all, Thoth does more than just merely records the names of those judged at the scales... When Thoth speaks, the universe listens. Father: ? Mother: ? Siblings: ? Pets: None. History: It is suggested that in the time before the gods and creation, there are, were, and would be, six transcendent forces in the universe which predate all others. The first is Nothing, the void, emptiness, the force of destruction, death, entropy, and the end of all things. The second is Everything, the infinite, eternity, the force of creation, life, time, and the beginning of all things. The third is Order, the pattern, law, the force of homogeneity, morality, conformity, and the Standard of all things. The Fourth is Chaos, the outlier, randomness, the force of heterogeneity, freedom, individuality, and the Will of all things. The Fifth is Fate, the story, change, the force of destiny, fortune, progress, and the Meaning of all things. The Sixth is Equilibrium, the scale, arbitration, the force of balance, justice, stasis, and the Preservation of all things. The triple axes from which the universe began, shaped, and took hold with Nothing and Everything, Order and Chaos, Fate and Equilibrium pulling the threads of the cosmic loom. From this, Thoth and his counterpart Ma'at may be said to be children of these forces, or perhaps even embodiments of these forces, fractions projected into the form of a god. Worshiped or not, Thoth cares little for the respect or fear of mortals, their cries of joy or anguish are nothing to his ears, for he is perhaps amongst the most god-like and mystic of the Egyptian gods. More pleased with writing the secrets of the universe into to the vaults of his knowledge. The neutral man who would both hurt you and heal you as he served as the arbitrator of quarrels amongst the gods to ensure neither side made progress against the other. Yet for all the powers Thoth had across the cosmos, enough to place him at odds with all the gods of his pantheon combined, without his words it is said that the gods themselves would cease to exist, and their function dissolve into nothingness. Fortunately for the mortals, Thoth seems to be mostly benign. As sorcerers, scribes and all seekers of knowledge would seek his patronage. Though often unrequited, those willing to dedicate themselves to Thoth may find a glimpse into the mysteries of the universe itself, or perhaps the madness of the silence he provides. His cult is filled with moral such at these who pray for a sliver of insight, a peek into his fabled books. And even as the Roman gods rose to disturb the balance, Thoth sat back and watched the Egyptian Empire crumble, for it was in accordance to the will of Equilibrium. Egypt had her kingdom and her time allotted, it was now her turn to be subjugated. The wheel shall turn again once more however soon enough. [/hider]