[h3][color=gray]Ariel - Game Stadium > Phoenix Wing Hotel[/color][/h3] [@hatakekuro][@Caits] Sitting and watching the game this close was really rough. Ariel couldn't really tell who's magic was affecting her more but it was like being pulled in two different directions. And while she didn't like the idea of leaving the girl she brought alone, the nurses assured her that they would get her sorted. With not much else she could do, Ariel headed out from the stadium and into the streets. The further she got from the stadium the better she was beginning to feel. Walking through the streets she passed several cart shops selling everything you can think of. It was to be expected, this being the biggest event in a long time. Most of the vendors she just ignored and they left her alone when she scowled at them. Even so their constant asking slowed her down a tad. But eventually she made it to the Phoenix Wing hotel. Given the chaos of the circumstances getting here she didn't quite remember what room was hers. The first night she'd crashed in Nolan's room and the night after she was simply placed in another room. Standing in the hallway she tried mused on what she should do next.