Aria let out a heavy sigh before speaking [color=fff79a]"Yeah, they're OK, but this whole situation has me worried."[/color] Reaching to her utility belt, Aria withdrew a small, puck shaped object, tossing it onto the floor. After spinning several times, it came to a rest, the small lens projecting a graphics-field into the room. [color=fff79a]"Here you can see an overview of the 76 convoy hits we've conducted in this sector over the past year. Notice anything?"[/color] She allowed Miro to ponder for a moment before continuing. [color=fff79a]"Even in the heaviest convoy we took on, there was never a single Seeker encountered. They don't just send Seekers out to follow normal girls, they are the most elite of the military. To be honest, on your opinion on powered suit,"[/color] Aria paused, trying to think of a way to make this sound as believable as possible, [color=fff79a]"We're not quite sure if they're even human. Some are theorizing genetic modification like us, others think they may be some new monster that the government boogyman cooked up. But that's besides the point. The point is, there was something special about that convoy. Either we captured a high-value target with some information the guys upstairs don't want us to know about."[/color] Aria paused, glancing to Lyn nervously before looking back at Miro, [color=fff79a]"Or they knew we were coming. I don't necessarily think we have a mole on that possibility. These girls hate those bastards more than any person you'll ever meet. And our decryption is nearly uncrackable. If they're sending out Seekers in convoys, they're planning something big."[/color] [color=a187be]"Either way, it's something that can wait."[/color] Lyn chided in from the corner, slipping on the last of her clothing while Miro was distracted. [color=a187be]"I just nearly died along with my buddy here, we're going to get a drink."[/color] The Thinker coughed violently, a little bit of blood trickling from her mouth. [color=a187be]"Besides, I need something to kill the pain from these bruises. You in?"[/color]