Rosalia sighed and smiled. [color=purple]"Thanks Sayuri. I think things will go well. But still, it's a new place. New people. It's not what I'm used to at all."[/color] She said calmly as she set up her bed. [color=purple]"But father always says to be cautious. It's not bad to be nervous. And well, you know not everyone is very accepting of Faunus."[/color] She giggled before clearing her throat. [color=purple]"We're different Rosie. Don't expect the first person you meet ta except ya just like that."[/color] She spoke in a mimicked low gravelly voice before laughing softly. [color=purple]"First person I really met was you though. So I guess expecting the best worked out. Even if I know my dad is mostly right."[/color] She said before crawling into her own bed. [color=purple]"He's pretty much the one who taught me to fight, since you asked. He wasn't a hunter by he knew his way around weapons, and knew his way around a fight even better. Although I'm sure he didn't have me being a huntress in mind when he was teaching me to... Protect yourself from those damned bastards."[/color] She finished, the last part of the explanation spoken in the mimicked tone of her father like before. [hr] Lennox rolled over in his bed. He'd heard a bit of what was said and contemplated throwing something in Sayuri's direction, but fought the urge. [color=blue][i]Heh, I'll show you civil princess.[/i][/color] He thought refusing to let himself be found out as awake.