[h2][color=0076a3]Wes Gusto| Crocus, Marketplace[/color] [/h2][@Prince of Seraphs] [@Jangel13] Wes and the rune knights eventually arrived at the stadium and found the infirmary. From there, the rune knights placed Dawn on a bed next to a girl and left to continue their next task. For some reason, Wes felt that the two look a bit similar, but there were no point in asking since both were unconscious. Although they were still unconscious, they seemed great together and were best that they got some rest with what happened to today. With that thought in mind, Wes closed the door as he left the infirmary and made his way outside into the bustling city of Crocus. Although Wes was able to catch Shutler earlier today during the battle within the dome, his search still wasn’t finished. Shutler’s other half was still out roaming the world somewhere and Wes didn’t have any leads on where he could be hiding. While he thought about this, he found himself in marketplace and noticed someone familiar, Mark. However, the hat that the person chose to wear didn’t seem to really suit them. [color=0076a3][i]But who am I to judge. I’m usually wearing this poncho and bandages. Wait, is that…[/i][/color] Angelo, Wes hasn’t seen him for years or any Phoenix Wing members in months. It’s been months since Wes left the guild. After leaving, he wasn’t sure how most of the members felt towards him. Except for a few that spoke to him before he left, saying that they weren’t particular happy about it. During his days as a guild member, he didn’t spend much time in the guild hall or speak to most people there. Always being reclusive was his nature and he wouldn’t be surprised if old members didn’t remember him. There was Angelo, but they only went on one quest which would be months ago for Angelo. But he wanted to know how the guild was doing and if it was better without him. He looked up and called Angelo, [color=0076a3]“Hey, Angelo! It’s been awhile. Are you and the guild doing okay?”[/color]