[color=teal][center][h1]Agatha Smith[/h1][b]Mess Hall, New Anchorage[/b][/center][/color] [hr] [color=teal] "Che."[/color] Agatha snorted, decorum forgotten just as quickly as everyone else had. It was one thing to understand the neccesity to teach an unruly soldier their place, but to see a commander who is trying to instill some professionalism just go and knock a man ass over kettle was a peculiar sight. Though Agatha would admit she was impressed in the little girl, Ana. That girl had more will power in her tiny frame then one would credit to an 11 year old. Percy, on the other hand, was a disappointment in every sense. To even think you could keep a child with you on a military installation and keep them from being tested was ludicrous, and if she was positive then it would be delusional to think she wouldn't be crammed into the first available NC. If he honestly wanted to keep her away from the life of a pilot, he would have taken that girl and ran somewhere far off and forgotten. Graham definetly drove home Percy's cowardice to Agatha at least. He was either too attached to his life in New Anchorage or too comfortable in the life style to consider leaving. If he didn't value Ana's freedom to choose her future, then that was only a demerit against his parenting skills and character. Ana would make a good pilot when he either got court martialed for trying to kill Graham or just outright ran away. Agatha thought she was made of the same metal Stein was forged from, if she had to hazard a guess. Alex's outburst was largely within her expectations for him. He was cute in that puppy dog kind of way, thought it was signifigantly marred seeing him drool of everyone he met. Agatha might of had the displeasure of working for a self proclaimed 'Harem King' once upon a time. It wasn't a pleasent work environment, and too say the least there tends to be a horrible group dynamic when everyone wants to bone one individual. Especially if they drop dead from sniper fire or stray artillery, then morale just hits rock borrom, but that's more of a story for, well, never. Agatha was pretty sure Alex was going to be a bleeding heart, moral centric sort of person. Always the first to snap under the pressure of an unkind world. What a waste. Feeling exhausted from all the introspection, Agatha let out a world weary sigh before walking off after the departing group. At least Joe seemed sensible, Stein too given she didn't have an asinine outburst during the whole encounter. Really, the old timer just wanted to get information on her fellow pilots beyond her own observations, because she was starting to get concerned about their chances in combat.