[hider=Kai of the white fog] [b][u]General Info[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Chimotou, Kai. [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Kai no shiroi kiri. (Kai of the white fog) [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Age:[/b] 28. [b]Age Appearance:[/b] mid-20s. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual. -====- [b][u]Loyalty[/u][/b] [b]Village:[/b] Gobigakure no sato. Village by the End. [b]Birthplace:[/b] Gobigakure no sato. Village by the End. [b]Organization:[/b] Gobigakure no sato. Village by the End. -====- [b][u]Ninja Information[/u][/b] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] Chimotou. No KG. [b]Rank:[/b] Chuunin. [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] None. -====- [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Body Type and Shape:[/b] Mesomorph, Pretty much rectangular shape. [b]Height:[/b] 5’7”, 170 cm. [b]Weight:[/b] 121p, 55kg. [b]Hair Color:[/b] White. [b]Hair Style:[/b] Spiky (this is anime), short, but a bit longer in the front. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green. [b]Clothing:[/b] A short-sleeved dark blue jumpsuit with white stripes on the ends of the sleeves. A white belt that also holds up his belt pouch. Leg wraps from his special ninja-sandals to his knees. The look is completes with a short white scarf around his neck. A thick piece of leather is strapped to his left shoulder, held in place with leather straps that oner both arms. On his right forearm he usually wears a "tube" of leather secured with straps around the arm. This is to allow his summons (those small enough, which is all he can do at the moment) to sit on him and rest comfortably. -====- [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [b]Background:[/b] [hider=clan]The Chimotou clan is one of the oldest in the Land of Lightning, for as long as the country has existed there has been a Chimotou-family within it, and for as long as they have existed they have been genjutsu specialists. Each generation teaching their best self-made Jutsu’s to the next so the clan grew stronger with each generation, they were so proud of their skills that they became extremely strict. A member of the Chimotou clan either had to marry another member of the clan, or a non-ninja so as not to dilute the next generations talent. A few hundred years ago the first member of the clan was born that was physically incapable of performing Ninjutsu, it was also found that he had no natural chakra affinity. At first he was written off as a genetic mistake, but it was soon discovered that he could perform Genjutsu. So skilled in this area was the boy that he performed an A-rank genjutsu flawlessly at the age of 10. The clan studied the boy intently throughout his life, It was concluded that this boy’s chakra was only capable of being shaped into genjutsu. Naturally the clan was thrilled and married him off to the most talented female genjutsu artist in the clan hoping for his gift to transfer to his children, which it did. Skip forward multiple generations, roughly 150 years before the start of this game. The Chimotou clan wasn’t exactly thriving. In a skirmish with Konoha they had suddenly lost the only two members of the clan who could wield the white chakra (The “pure” chakra), both without heirs. The incest program was kicked into overdrive to conserve the precious bloodline. No longer were the head family allowed to marry outside the clan. Generations of “blood purity” has left a taint on the clan, a process that was meant to strengthen the clan actually ended up weakening it. The practise of inbreeding has been made illegal by the clan leader in an effort to stop the decline of its members but it’s still much more likely that you’ll be born with no ninja talent at all than with it. The strict controlling nature of the clan has also driven members away, defection has been increasing over the last few generations and the official clan stands at only thirty members (in the Land of Lightning), only five are able to manipulate chakra. [/hider] [hider=The rest of it]Kai’s family has lived in Gobi for many generations. So many that the naturally darker skin tone that is common in the Land of Lightning has been replaced by the more wide-spread pale skin. Kai was born in the summer at the small village clinic. He was a happy child with few concerns in life who loved to explore the rocky areas inside the wall. As he became old enough he was tested for chakra manipulation, and was found competent enough. In school, however, he was a disaster. Held back several years, he was still unable to pull off anything above the E-rank techniques that some children could pick up in a matter of days. He was tested and retested, even by Hiroshi himself, and was always found to be able to move his chakra around inside his body, for some reason he just couldn’t form it into complex techniques. Assuming that the child would never be a ninja, or perhaps a late bloomer, Hiroshi pulled him out of school and suggested that he should train on his own, in his own pace, for a while and come back when something happened. Train he did. He found a quiet spot near the wall and got to work. He could spend hours at a time there, which is no mean feat for such a small child, he was dedicated. Weeks passed, but no progress. He knew the facts behind the techniques, he knew what it should feel like and how chakra could be turned into techniques, but whenever he tried it just didn’t. Near Kai’s training spot was another clearing, and sometimes an adult would use that place to meditate and practice. They never talked or anything, they had simply noticed each other and accepted that fact. One day the adult, a man about 20 or so, called him over. A bit hesitant, Kai went to him. He had no real reason to fear the man, Gobi was a calm and peaceful place (Ninja villages has a surprisingly low crime rate), but he was still a stranger. The man introduced himself as Shou, and said that he was a ninja. He was working on a new technique and needed someone to try it out on. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. It is a [i]genjutsu-technique[/i], it’s only an illusion. You’ll learn about those in the school later. Just sit down here, and if you feel uncomfortable or scared just say the word and I’ll release the technique.” Kai sat down, still a little bit unsure. Shou sat down in front of him and made a few handsigns. “What do you see?” He asked. Kai looked around, but the clearing hadn’t changed at all, he told Shou. “How about now.” Shou disappeared, at first he flickered, blinking in and out of existence, but then he was gone. Kai told him. “Now tell me everything that happens.” Kai told the man about hearing footsteps around the clearing, shadows in the trees, the sun suddenly starting to move faster, and then backwards. “That’s great, I’ll release you now.” A slight tingling went through Kai’s body, and when he opened his eyes again Shou was still sitting in front of him. “When you are under the influence of a genjutsu” Shout explained “Your eyes, ears, mouth… All the senses are still in the real world, only your mind is affected. When you were in there, your senses tried to tell you that it was wrong. The footsteps were mine as I walked around you, the shadow was mine as well, and the sun was partially obscured by a cloud halfway through. Most people doesn’t even get one warning, you got three. When I go back to town I’m going to talk to Hiroshi-sama about letting you into the genjutsu-classes. Said and done, Kai was back in school the next day, learning how to create illusions. A few years later, when the art of genjutsu was had become Kai’s main focus, he was assigned a special trainer for weekend practice. Her name was Hachi, a somewhat skilled genjutsu artist and summoner who had just recently volunteered to become a teacher. Her lessons were always a bit chaotic, and even though she had good stuff to teach, only about half of it actually stuck. One of the things that did stick was a C-rank jutsu that allowed the user to call forth a powerful animal companion to fight. “Because genjutsu artists needs to work so hard with our minds, we don’t have time to train our bodies and ninjutsu techniques like most ninjas. We are weaker in body, but stronger in spirit. Therefore we need to make sure that our bodies are always well protected. In a team the rest of the party will often defend the genjutsu artist, because as strategy goes, that’s a good one. But we can’t always rely on our team, sometimes we’re all alone. We might even have to defend ourselves against other genjutsu artists that knows our tricks and can counter them. There are many things that a genjutsu artist can do, but one of the most powerful is to sign a summoning contract with a sentient animal. That way this animal and all of its friends are bound to aid you in battle. On the other hand, you are also bound to come to their aid immediately if they call. I have a contract with the rams of the mountains, but I’m not important enough to them to allow anyone else to sign their contract. If you want a contract you must leave the village, live outside, in the mountains and forests, offer your help to whatever animal you come across and maybe, just maybe, they’ll let you sign their contract.” Kai went out in the wilderness. At first he hesitated to interact with anyone or anything. He wondered what would happen if he ended up with a really lame animal summon, like a slug. He was only fifteen at the time, and the immense and awesome power of sentient animals was beyond him. After a few weeks he gave up on meeting a “cool” animal to bond with, but with little luck. At that time the forest knew what he was after, as he’d been honest enough to admit it to the animals he’d refused to help. Once a week he went back to the village to get food and supplies. After two months he’d started to give up and was honestly starting to consider other options. He noticed a tiger stalking a prey and got curious. He followed the tiger for a while, and noticed that it was a fluffy bunny. He felt a bit bad for the little thing, but he’d been told that there was a big difference between helping and interfering with nature. Just before the tiger pounced an eagle swooped down from nowhere, caught the unsuspecting rodent in its claws and was gone before the huge feline could react. Obviously angered by the bird, the tiger roared in rage and the eagle, though it was in the air and safe, promptly dropped the carcass and flew away, leaving the tiger to eat in peace. Intrigued by this display of unnatural behaviour Kai decided to follow the eagle. The journey was not easy in any sense of the word. Eagles are swift and capable flyers. It it had known about Kai it could’ve gotten away quite easily. Finally, they arrived at the bird’s nest, and Kai started to climb. The eagle had chosen a hole in one of the cliffs as a nest, so getting close without looking suspicious was extremely hard. Kai had to climb a short distance at a time, then stop and make sure that the eagle wasn’t looking, then climb again. After hours of climbing (luckily Kai could use chakra to get a better grip) he reached a small plateau where he could rest safely. The nest was in view, but still far away. He approached the nest after a few hours rest. He moved slowly, carefully, but with great determination. The eagle saw him and let him come close, silent, patient. When Kai was almost at the nest the bird spoke to him in human language. A small part of Kai was thrilled. “If you’ve come for my eggs you’re twofold a fool.” Said she, for it was a female voice. “How so?” Asked Kai, genuinely curious. “For one you chose the wrong way, if you had approached from the south I wouldn’t have seen you until you were very close, there is also a path that makes climbing a lot easier than the almost vertical climb you’ve done.” “And the second reason?” The eagle didn’t answer, but flapped her wings once and unleashed an impossibly powerful, yet tiny gust of wind that struck Kai like a miniature typhoon. He lost his grip and began to fall. A desperate clawing at the rocks slowed his fall enough for him to get a hold on reality and focus more chakra to his hands. He stopped falling, and without looking down to see how close to death he’d come, started to climb once more. “Stubborn human, why can’t you leave me alone?” “I have a question.” “Ask then, and promise to leave.” “I saw you in the forest earlier, you caught a rabbit, then you dropped it when the tiger roared, why? You were in no danger.” The eagle turned and looked Kai straight in the eyes, the mere look suggested that she thought him thrice a fool for asking. “But I was.” Said she “Now leave me! I must guard my eggs.” For a few days Kai witnessed the strange pair, and he saw that as soon as the tiger roared the eagle did its bidding. To call it unnatural would be a grave understatement. Why this was so did not become apparent until he took a walk early in the morning by the cliffs and saw the tiger leaving just south of the eagle’s nest. He did the math, the tiger had found the path up to the nest and threatened the eagle’s eggs. The eagle had chosen a poor site for her nest. He climbed up to the nest again. “I know why you do as the tiger says.” “Stubborn human, can’t you leave things alone” Said she, and Kai could see that she was thinner than before. “I can make sure that the tiger never comes back.” The eagle laughed. “You are nothing but a new meal to the tiger.” “Perhaps, will you let me try?” “You do what you want, stubborn human, it is your way.” “If I succeed I want something of you.” “Naturally, humans always want something.” “I want to sign a summoning contract with you, and the eagles of these mountains.” The eagle turned and looked Kai right in the eye again. “Then you better be prepared to kill the tiger. Only then will I consider it.” Thinking it unwise to upset a tiger without making sure it couldn’t come for him later, Kai made a plan. He locked a genjutsu to his white fog technique and climbed the easy path, leaving a thin trail behind as he went. Such a trail was almost invisible, but it would also take some time to do its work. Then he waited. Early the next morning, the tiger appeared, and started to climb up to the nest to make sure that the eagle was scared enough for the day. It inhaled the thin white fog, got it in the eyes, nose, stuck in the fur and paws. As it reached the nest it looked straight at the eagle with a surprised expression on its face. It didn’t roar, it didn’t make a sound. It simply turned and walked right off the edge. On its way down it hit a couple of rocks, cried out, and then fell silent. With a thud it struck the ground and remained motionless. “What did you do?” The eagle asked with great suspicion. “I used a genjutsu” Kai explained “I made the tiger think that this platform was suddenly empty and very close to the ground.” “But the tiger knew… it has been here hundreds of times” “It trusted its senses more than its memory. It must’ve thought that it took the wrong way somewhere and jumped down to find the right one. No matter what went through the tiger’s mind, it won’t bother you again.” Later that day the eagle came to kai’s campsite together with a great eagle, easily big enough to carry Kai and all of his possessions without trouble. The great eagle carried a huge scroll, and explained that his signature on it would bind him to the eagles, and the eagles to him.[/hider] [b]Today:[/b] As a chuunin of Gobi, and one of very few genjutsu artists in the village, Kai helps out with the academy as much as he can. He has a few students that have some talent in genjutsu, but ultimately he feels unsure about teaching as he still haven’t mastered genjutsu himself. Kai knows all the other genjutsu artists in the village and wants to count himself among the most powerful, and then feels like a fool, because the stories from the outside world (and the ninja world war) talks about people with a lot more power. Kai’s natural curiosity makes him a regular sight by the travelling merchants, hungry for news about the world outside the rocks. While Kai loves Gobi with all his heart and sould, there is a small part of him that wants to get out and see the world. The fact that he hasn't had a proper mission in half a year doesn't help either, and sometimes when he trains Kai feels like he's stuck in a rut that he cannot overcome. [b]Personality:[/b] Like most people that have been brought up in a small society Kai is trusting and genuinely believes himself to be happy. He knows almost everyone in Gobi by face of not by name and gets along with most people he meets in a day. Being a rare genjutsu artist Kai has a tendency to feel a bit superior towards the brutish taijutsu specialists, but he won’t admit it to their faces. -====- [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] Genjutsu artist - Kai’s mind works differently. He sees details, shapes and colours clearly that most people wouldn’t bother with. In order to create great illusions, you need to notice those things. Ninjutsu retard - Kai is cursed. While he is a capable genjutsu artist, ninjutsu is a form of chakra manipulation that will never come easy for him. Excellent chakra control - A trademark of genjutsu artists. Favoured summon - Kai has an eagle that almost always answers his summoning and that he gets along with better than the others. This is a normal-sized eagle called Hayate. Hayate has excellent eye-sight and is surprisingly strong for his size. Natural curiosity - Anything that Kai doesn't know about, he wants to know. While not a hardcore reader and scholar, Kai thinks it's healthy to expose yourself to new areas of knowledge, art, physical activity and philosophy. -====- [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] Clothes. A pouch with several kunai, shuriken and a small roll of ninja wire. Summoning tattoo - A mesh of chakra symbols on Kai’s left forearm. Made to create a summon without seals. Only used as last resort. -====- [b][u]Jutsu:[/u][/b] [b]Ninjutsu:[/b] [hider=Kushiyose no jutsu] [u]Name:[/u] Kushiyose no jutsu / Summoning technique. [u]Classification[/u] Summon. [u]Rank:[/u] C-Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] Summons an eagle to help Kai, the size and type of eagle is determined by the amount of chakra Kai pours into the technique. [u]Drawback:[/u] Kai must use his own blood and a few handsigns to get the summoning to work. Given Kai’s lack of talent for ninjutsu it might not work if he’s stressed. [/hider] [hider=White fog] [u]Name:[/u] Shiroi kiri no jutsu / White fog technique. [u]Classification[/u] [u]Rank:[/u] D-Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] The user lets her chakra pour out of tenketsu (chakra holes) all over her body. Upon contact with air the chakra forms a white mist around the ninja. Much like a Nara clansman can control the dimensions of her shadow or an Aburame clansman can control her bugs a wielder of white fog can control the dimensions of her fog. All the way from “almost invisible” to “completely obscuring”, any shape and size. The fog itself is simply another genjutsu trigger, and the density of the fog determines both the strength of the genjutsu and the time it will take for it to work. [u]Drawback:[/u] Executing a strong genjutsu with a fog that is almost invisible will take a considerable amount of time and is best done from a safe place. Once the fog is placed it cannot be moved or manipulated any more. [/hider] [b]Taijutsu:[/b] None [b]Genjutsu:[/b] [hider=Genjutsu release] [u]Name:[/u] Genjutsu kai / Genjutsu release. [u]Classification[/u] Genjutsu. [u]Rank:[/u] C-Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] This techniques sends a wave of disruptive chakra through the target (user or other) and aims to disrupt any illusion. [u]Drawback:[/u] Can only disrupt illusions of same rank or lower. Needs use of arms and hands or other trigger. [/hider] [hider=Trusted friend] [u]Name:[/u] / Trusted friend technique. [u]Classification[/u] Genjutsu. [u]Rank:[/u] B-Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] This genjutsu works like a perfected Henge no jutsu. Basically it targets the opponent's mind and memory, from the database of “trusted people” it grabs one seemingly at random and gives the user this appearance. Along with the appearance the user is given the “top layer” of info that is associated with this person. This could be a name, a place, a type of food, anything. As the appearance is taken straight from the victim’s memory, the illusion is flawless. [u]Drawback:[/u] While the appearance is flawless, the technique is not. The user only has an appearance and very limited data to go on and must therefore use her own skills in acting and improvisation to truly convince the target that the illusion is real. [/hider] [hider=Hell viewing] [u]Name:[/u] Narakumi no Jutsu / Hell Viewing Technique [u]Classification[/u] Genjutsu. [u]Rank:[/u] D-Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, a trigger of some form is used to engage the target. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the mental image is a gruesome one, the shock will be accordingly great. [u]Drawback:[/u] This technique works in the same way as nightmares sometimes does. It picks the most recent, or first “bad” thought in the mind of the victim and displays it as reality. As such the illusion may be incredibly easy to see through. [/hider] [hider=paradise viewing] [u]Name:[/u] / Paradise Viewing Technique [u]Classification[/u] Genjutsu. [u]Rank:[/u] D-Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] This is a genjutsu that reveals the passion that dwells inside people's hearts. Everyone has something that they would want more than anything in the world. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, a trigger of some form is used to engage the target. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the technique is successful the target is reduced to a smiling fool, blind to reality. [u]Drawback:[/u] This technique works in the same way as dreams sometimes does. It picks the most recent, or first “good” thought in the mind of the victim and displays it as reality. As such the illusion may be incredibly easy to see through. [/hider][/hider]