[center]Name: Naomi Northcutt. Age: 25. Gender: Female. Species: Werewolf. Rank: Omega. Personality: Despite her ranking, Naomi is a scrappy little thing, having street smarts from her time living on it. She has to be scrappy, considering where she was pushed down in the pack. Naomi might be strong-minded, quick-witted, and have a sharp tongue, but she isn't physically strong. Even being a werewolf, she would be considered one of the weaker werewolves around, probably from her petite frame and the fact she doesn't, actually, like physical fights. She has a mouth on her but when it comes to actual fighting, she tries to stand up for herself, but in the end, she is usually beat. She isn't prideful, admitting when she's wrong easily, and also admitting defeat. She isn't that confident in herself, either, because she doesn't know how to fight as well as some of the other pack members. She's peaceful, more of a lover than a fighter, and only uses words as her weapons. Usually because she has too. Most of the time, she sits back and observes, only stepping in when she thinks something really stupid is occurring or something she heavily disagrees with. Besides that, she's good at keeping quiet and unnoticed. She's a deep thinker, being in her own head a lot, and prefers the outdoors, and is usually found in them, be it hidden as a wolf or blending in with humans. She enjoys people-watching and has a good listening ear. She doesn't lie very well at all and she doesn't like lying, either. She's more honest and up front and very open, telling it like it is, coming off as blunt at times. She has long ago accepted her place in the pack, choosing to stay in her place rather than try and get out of it, considering that meant being brash physically and she didn't like that. Despite the way she has been treated, she is still very kind, with a open heart, and still tries to help others; having a low mindset of herself, she believes she belongs in the lowest ranking and still tries her best to help the pack, and whoever she comes across that needs it, when need be. She tries to be happy and positive, though that is sometimes hard. Other: Naomi has a thick Cajun accent that usually stands out to most people. Appearance: [hider=Naomi][URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/images_zpsfpculdac.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/images_zpsfpculdac.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Equipment/weapons: None. History: Naomi was born in the swamps of Louisiana, to two kind-hearted werewolf parents. From there, she was taught to appreciate nature, be peaceful and positive, and love all things living. Her parents were not like many werewolves, angry and quick to fight. Instead, they had broken away from that and created a safe haven once they were pregnant with Naomi. Her parents could be considered very hippie-like, to be honest, and Naomi still had many of their morals and mindsets, just growing a sharp tongue once she was in New York. Naomi very much loved her parents but always felt like there was more out there for her. Another issue was her parents sheltered her very much, and she didn't know much about the world. When she was a teenager, she was stupid and young and ran away from a happy, but sheltered, home, to go to New York, where she had heard travelers coming through her small town talk about how beautiful and huge it was there. She got a hard taste of reality in the real world, learning quick she couldn't trust everyone, and having a hard journey to New York. But she didn't stop until she was in New York, despite all the hardships and learning that the world wasn't as pretty as her Louisiana home. Even then, she pushed for what she wanted, lived on the streets for a long time, until she was about nineteen. Then, she stumbled upon the wolf pack, and they took her in; she had never been in a pack before, had only really been around her parents for most of her life, until her travels but she hadn't made any actual friends during those, and so she was quickly pushed down the lowest rank, inexperienced in helping a pack and not understanding the ways it worked. During her travels and life on the streets, she grew quite the sharp tongue, which only got her into more trouble with the older, more experienced pack members, and so finally, she just accepted her place and does what she has too. She still does miss her parents and Louisiana but she enjoys the sights and people in New York too much to go back, and honestly, she is afraid to return, feeling like she has betrayed her parents in some way and can't return.[/center]