[hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cera%20Thomson&name=Across%20the%20Road.ttf&size=30&style_color=9B6EB3[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/cae7e2273d5f7da1deae8d9a9813c07c/tumblr_inline_ngzic3LwDJ1t6da4c.gif[/img] [h1]&[/h1] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Marcus%20Sun%20Lu&name=GraffitiPaintBrush.ttf&size=30&style_color=2B942B[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/acc9e202c2ed52b5d84adfe5104bbe90/tumblr_inline_n09lhdeUoG1s7r27f.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Best Exotic Hotel, First Floor, Room 3 >> Dining Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] A non-functioning shower, Marc, Cera’s temperamental hair and Tas. [b]Time/Date:[/b] 7A.M./August 1st, 2016 [/center][hr] A gentle beeping from Cera’s bedside woke her from her slumber and she fumbled around, her hand knocked her book onto the floor before it found its mark. Hitting the snooze button, Cera stretched out and threw the thin blanket off of her sticky body. Yuck. She needed a shower. She wandered over to bathroom, stripped and stepped into the shower. A shuddering shake of pipes later and Cera was aware that her day was going to be off to a bad start. Her stomach knotted as she groaned and hit the shower head in frustration. She jumped out and grabbed one of the emergency bottles of water from under her sink and a washcloth. She stepped back into the shower and began washing herself down as best she could. The cooler water was quite welcome but didn’t quite work at soaking out all of the warm night’s sleep sheen that had settled across her skin. She grabbed her shea butter scented soap and scrubbed in the more problematic areas before rinsing them off again. That’d have to do for the day. Another long, loud yawn escaped her as she stretched out. She opted not to dry herself off before getting dressed, maybe the water would keep her skin feeling a little cooler than usual… The sun here was definitely one of her least favourite parts of living in India. She’d been up a little later last night, working on language exercises for her beginner level students. They were really simple with little doodles to try and help them learn the more common words. She was happy with her work and gave it another once over in an appraising way as she got dressed. She opted for a black tank top with some beaded decoration around the neckline and a light grey pair of linen shorts that sat just above her knee. Sandals were definitely the way to go in this heat and she didn’t have need to dress up so the accessories were left until later. Cera sat down on her bedside and began trying to decide what to do with her hair since she knew it would be a mess. A knock sounded at her door and Cera wondered who the heck was visiting at this time of the morning. She wandered over and opened it up to see Marc standing there in nothing but his brown board shorts. He had his cream t-shirt slung over his shoulder and nothing on his feet. [color=9B6EB3]”Mornin’ sunshine. What can I do for ye?”[/color] She gave him a broad smile whilst maintaining her look of confusion as her eyes flicked up and down his body subconsciously. Her cheeks reddened a little when she realised what she’d done and hoped he hadn’t noticed. Not that he’d have said anything even if he did, Marc was too nice that way. [color=2B942B]”Yo Cookie Monster! Your shower working? Oh…”[/color] His voice trailed off as his eyes lingered on her head and he began laughing so much he pretty much doubled over. After a few seconds, and with more than a few tears running down his face, Marc wiped his eyes and caught his breath. Cera simply stood in the doorway, utterly bemused. [color=2b942b]”Oh god… your [i]hair[/i]. I’m going to assume that your shower is as bust up as Murph’s nose after a bar fight.”[/color] He began chuckling again at his own joke and grinned at her. Her face fell and she ran to her vanity table and groaned. The whole left side of her hair was practically standing on end in a frizzy mess. [color=9b6eb3]”Dang nabbit… The hell am I gonna [i]do[/i]? Right, okay, I can fix this! Get in here ‘nd make yerself useful. Grab that brush for me.”[/color] Cera pointed at her bedside table nearest the door. Marc wandered in, closing the door behind himself and sauntered over with the brush in hand. [color=2b942b]”Lemme help, Cera. You know I’m good at fixing up my own hair, so doing someone else’s has got to be easier.”[/color] He twirled the brush in his fingers and fumbled his grip, the brush bouncing from one hand to the other until he caught it a foot from the floor. [color=2b942b]”SUCCESS!”[/color] He pulled a Usain Bolt style pose with the brush before he noticed the judging look on Cera’s face. She could only hold that face for so long before she smiled at his nonsense. [color=9b6eb3]”Yer such a goof. Go on then.”[/color] She motioned him forward and shook her head in amusement as Marc set about fixing her hair. After about ten minutes of yelps, groans, hair putty and grunts that most definitely did [i]not[/i] sound sexual, Cera admired her surprisingly straight hair. There were only slight kicks at the bottom and considering how horrible it had looked, Cera had to give kudos to Marc for his hair styling skills. Marc was definitely looking like the cat that had got the cream as he admired his skills. [color=9b6eb3]”Wow, nice one Marc. Cheers!”[/color] Cera gave him a light slap on the arm as she stood up from her perch. [color=2b942b]”No problem. What are friends for if not to laugh at your misfortune and then help you fix it after they’re done having a good time at your expense?”[/color] He stuck his tongue out at her and dodged the flick of her fingers that was aimed at his nose. The pair began to laugh together and Cera rolled her eyes at his joking. [color=9b6eb3]”Well now that I’m dressed and m’hair is settled, I’m gonna grab some brekkie. Wanna join me?”[/color] Her right hand rested on her hip, creating a teapot handle that she presented to Marc by way of invitation. Marc hooked his arm through hers with his left and waved his right arm forward in an overly embellished way. [color=2b942b]”Lead the way, madam!”[/color] The pair of them laughed some more and made left her room arm in arm. The pair of them made small talk, complaining about the broken showers and discussing what they might have for breakfast today as they walked the short distance from Cera’s room to the dining room. Cera smiled a little as she saw Tas already sitting, her box of cereal by her side on the table. [color=9b6eb3]”Morning Tas!”[/color] She gave an enthusiastic wave towards the doctor, despite how uncomfortable that she felt doing it. Marc said it was always better to greet people first as it made you appear more open to conversation and friendship. It was a lesson she was trying to take on board and since Marc had put her in such a good mood, it wasn’t too hard to pretend to want company and conversation today. She unhooked her arm from his and walked over to a table beside Tas. She knew that Murphy would probably be down soon to tutor her, so she thought it’d be best to leave her table clear of too many bodies. Plus there was the problem with Marc’s attitude when Tas was around. Marc didn’t seem quite as pleased when he spotted Tas. He squirmed a little uncomfortably but still managed a polite smile and nod in Tas’s direction. It’s not that he didn’t like her, really he didn’t even know her, but there was just this atmosphere whenever they were in the same room together that made Marc’s smile a little less large. He didn’t like the feeling and had no idea why it was even [i]there[/i] but he didn’t want to piss her off and made a point to give her the space that he thought that she needed. When Cera dragged him over to a table beside Tas he almost groaned but managed to hold it in, hiding it behind a smile. Cera poked his side, prompting him to say something before she sat down at the table. [color=2b942b]”What about them showers, huh? Such a pain.”[/color] Marc over emphasised the pain in his face and held his hands out in front of him, palm up, in a clenching motion. Cera gave a light laugh and Marc realised that he still wasn’t wearing his shirt. He quickly grabbed it and threw it on before he managed to make himself feel any more uncomfortable. Cera could feel the tension emanating from Marc and decided she’d try and steer the conversation away from whatever this awkward thing actually was. [color=9b6eb3]”So, ye workin’ today Tas?”[/color] This social stuff was really going to tire her out soon enough. [hr]