[center][color=00a651][h3]Patrick Kershner[/h3][/color] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/591fdd7c8a19d7ab39f8fae057927e5c/tumblr_n26m1uDCpb1qb0jsbo2_400.gif[/img] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] Churchhill Gardens, 5B [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Liam [@Dusk], Mystery Female? [@lovely complex][/i][/center][hr][hr] Patrick was awake well before until the incredibly annoying buzzer on his phone went off. The noise did nothing to break his eyes away from his computer screen though. Instead he grabbed over in its direction knocking two empty water bottles to the floor before finding his phone and sliding the touch lock over to dismiss. The light from his screen was the only other source of light in the room and he could begin to tell they were watering up in response to not having blinked for a while. What was going on in the world this morning was just too good to pass up on though. It sure was going to be a busy day for the news media. And he was sure it would be pretty hectic back at the station with every reporter in London likely calling in for a statement. Seemed like as good a day as any to use as one of his many saved up sick days. Maybe just blame it on the weather? He had been using his supply of sick and leave days a bit more liberally over the past few months but he doubted anyone at the station was really going to say anything. He always managed to complete his reports on time, and was good enough to give even some of the veterans a tip here and there. Wasn’t that what his generation was known for anyways? Not adhering to the previous generations strict work schedule but still getting the job done on time. He was pretty sure he read an article or two about that somewhere online. He supposed he could use it as a decent argument if someone wanted to reprimand him back at the office. Awww who was he kidding. If they wanted to reprimand him at work he’d take it like the poor redheaded step child he empathized with so well. Finally he closed his eyes, leaned backed in his chair tilting just enough so he wouldn’t fall over before rubbing his eyes vigorously. God what was that awful smell? Oh. That was him. Guess it was time to at least attend to the hygienic portion of the day. Patrick then went about turning the lights on (cursing viciously as his eyes protested to the sudden light), showering, brushing his teeth, inspecting his beard in the mirror before throwing on a pair of his favorite skinny jeans and plain long sleeve shirt, finishing it all up with a pair of converse. He gave one last peak into the mirror to make sure his dark curly hair had just enough bed head that made it seem like he didn’t give shit. Because he didn’t. He just didn’t want to be made fun of for it. He found himself automatically going out the door putting his head phones in so he could listen to some music for the walk ahead. On his days off he lately he spent most his time over at Liam’s place, preferring to not be by himself in his lonely apartment just staring at the screen feeling bad for himself. Oddly some social interaction with Liam was just enough to keep the young man content and keep his mind off his rather gloomy outlook on life in its current situation. At least until the next big game dropped. Then he’d be stuck in his apartment for a few months again. About half way to the Churchhill Gardens and Patrick regretted not putting on something heavier, or at least grabbing a coat. He knew there was a storm coming, the weather being pretty much the last thing he read before he logged off his computer but he just really hated heavy clothing. Jackets, layers they all were just extra heavy weight that he’d have to discard and carry around when he got too hot to keep them on which was inevitable. Maybe he’d splurge on his budget and take a taxi or a bus back home later. He thought his fingers were about to fall off as he finally arrived at the apartment complex. At first he didn’t notice the large men dropping furniture and boxes off right next to his best mates door, but when he did Patrick just stopped in his tracks. He double checked the building and apartment number a couple of times to make sure he was at the right place. He’d gone to the wrong apartment before. That was a rather embarrassing fiasco. But this was definitely Liam’s place. The next thought crossing Patrick’s mind was that Liam finally got evicted like he was threatened time and time again. Patrick quickly reached into his pocket to make sure he hadn’t missed any calls or texts. Nope still nothing. The whole time Patrick stood there the burly looking men continued to awkwardly move around him as they unloaded a literal truck load of supplies outside his friends place. Patrick knew the only thing he could do would be to go and knock on the door but the thought of someone other than Liam answering made his stomach churn. And so he just stood there his mind yelling at him shouting at him, [i]Open the door idiot. Just open the bloody door. You look more like a fool just standing here in the way. Should’ve just gone to work today. You’re going to look like the biggest idiot ever.[/i] But his body just remained ridged locked in place. It felt like he stood there for hours his mind raging a storm in his head before the door finally opened, thankfully to reveal a lanky and pale as ever Liam. A deep sigh was released from Patrick’s body as his friend walked out. [color=00a651][i]“What the hell is all of this? You win the lottery and go on a massive spending spree?”[/i][/color] Was what he meant to say, but it got all chocked up in his throat as a female appeared behind the dhampire. So instead what he really said was, [color=00a651]“What the hell, isssalll ack… um [sub]this?[/sub]”[/color] The werewolf felt his face instantly turn bright red and stomach drop at the sight of the incredibly attractive female and decided to recover by placing his hands on his hips in an authoritative stance, causing him to elbow a passing worker and awkwardly rerecover by leaning against the building. A massive grin immediately split across his face adding to his awkward embarrassment as he wished he could make it go away.