[@MiddleEarthRoze] That's why I made her. She is a cop's nuisance. >:D Curious though, [@McHaggis] How known are Fae scents? Are they a common race in Edgetoun? Lastly, are their blood benefits similar to True Blood? Or a little bit more powerful which is why many race crave them? Based on the description I got: Vampires love Fae blood and witches/warlocks/spellcasters/demons/anyone can use Fae magic for their own advantage? I know in True Blood. Faerie blood smells very appealing to supernaturals, especially vamps. They can give vampires temporary immunity to the sun. After drinking their blood, the person becomes more powerful: faerie perception and immunity to faerie magic. Drinking faerie blood is a worse form of alcohol. YOU'LL GET DRUNK FAST xD. Temporary period of stake out immunity. And their blood carries strong magical elements: Mercury, Neon, Titanium, and Francium. Also, as an Unseelie-- how far does Ettie's power go? Is it just a manipulation of Ice? Because True Blood has a bit more abilities for faeries.