It was a rather dull morning in the guild. At least for Nyla. Most of the adventurers had left already and left the stragglers to hold down the fort. No matter how much Nyla tried no team would take her. They all thought she'd just get in the way. Thinking she couldn't be seriously or get distracted by a butterfly. THAT ONLY HAPPENED ONCE! Sigh~. It was a rather defeating feeling when no one would give them a chance. She was busy pouting off in the corner when it suddenly happened. The door to the hall flung open powerfully; Nyla peeking up at the doorway. There she saw a young looking boy stride in heroically. She found the whole display rather amusing, stifling a laugh into her hand. In the distance she watched everything unfold with unblinking curiosity. Then it hit her. If this boy was going to become an adventurer this was her chance! He had no idea of her past missteps! It was all turning up Nyla! Waiting until he sat down with his stack of papers Nyla stood. Adjusting her white sundress and taking in a deep breath of confidence and holding it in. As if the longer she held her breath the better chances she would have of convincing him. So she began to walk over to the table where he sat, looking over his papers. She got about half way there before she immediately turned around and came back to the table she was originally at. [i][color=Tan]"Dang it! He's gonna see right through it! Stupid confidence failing me!'[/color][/i] She quietly scolded herself. Her face smushed into the table top, having been defeated by her own insecurities. Suddenly then Kuzie popped out of one of Nyla's pockets. Crawling up her arm and leaping onto the table it began to push its head into the side of Nyla's head. As if nudging her forward. Nyla's lifted her head to look at Kuzie. Seeing the triumphant gaze in the little rodents eyes sparked something in Nyla. [b][color=Tan]"You're right Kuzie! I can do this!"[/color][/b] She assured the blue and white squirrel she had got the message; Kuzie nodding happily to see his tactics work. Nyla quickly spun away from the table and made a b-line towards the new comer. Kuzie frantically realizing that Nyla forgot to bring him he quickly scurried across the table top and leapt after her. Just barely catching the brim of her sundress Kuzie quickly climbed the fabric up to her shoulder, were he perched himself. Nyla stopped at the edge of the table the newcomer sat at. She was silent for a moment, waiting until the boy noticed her. She had a whole speech laid out. How she was going to convince him to let her join with her confidence and warriors spirit! But then the boy looked at her and her nerves were all hitting the big [color=ed145b][b]"ABORT MISSION"[/b][/color] button inside her. So she completely scrapped her plan and went with plan B. Beg. Nyla quickly bowed her head. [color=Tan][b]"PLEASE LET ME JOIN YOUR PARTY!?"[/b][/color] She practically yelled out her plea. Kuzie shaking his little fuzzy head in disbelief.