I'm only being partially facetious. Having potential players read through 60 pages of your stuff to be able to get the faintest idea of what's going is probably gonna limit a good amount of players. Then there's fact that with 60 pages of that setting info implies you have heavily ruminated through your setting and even as you run this game it's evolving to the new stuff you might be adding. Being the only one who has a definite feel for the setting might be conflict inducing as the players who aren't familiar will make characters that don't fit in perfectly. I could be wrong, but my experience with people running games off their pet settings tends to yield similar results; with the Gm being be anal about things and constantly having players change stuff so it fits into their "vision" and the player experience being anti-fun as they end up playing "Mother May I?" so they can keep in step with the lore. It's a waste of time for everyone involved since the GM would be better spending tier just writing a novel and the players with playing something that's fun to do. Of course I could be wrong.