[center] [h2][color=#FFFFCC] Josephine Rae Montgomery[/color][/h2] [h3][color=#FFFFCC]'Jo'[/color][/h3] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/2f126fe4b533e41f44928b2e1199f509/tumblr_inline_o0n6mcFBBA1ru6skt_500.gif[/img] [color=#FFFFCC][u]Age[/u][/color] 17 [color=#FFFFCC][u]Demon[/u][/color] Hope [color=#FFFFCC][u]Bio[/u][/color] Jo has had a pretty good life always looking on the bright side of things even when the bad happens. For example, her grandma dying when she was 10 but although it made her sad she smiled and helped her mom by saying things like 'she's in a better place' or 'grandma wouldn't want us to cry, she'd want us to smile and focus on the good'. Jo continued to act like this whenever things got rough, she was always very hopeful and cheerful no matter what. Jo loves to help others, cheer people up, volunteer, sing, dance, tutor, and lots of other things. She is very open and outgoing seemingly seeing everyone as friends even strangers. [/center]