[quote=@AirBender] [@tsukune] It's not a matter of being lost about it, it's a matter of nobody being willing. I made a PM thread for it cause I thought that would be easier. Bounce was the only one who replied and they didn't want to do a collab. [/quote] Ah, it's my failure (as an inexperienced GM) not to get the hint that most - not all - of you are not keen to do collab (at this stage, at least). Apologies for being a dick and pushing you guys to do something that you don't like/want to do. I'm fine if you guys prefer to stick to traditional solo posting instead of writing together, but I do expect to see everyone to be more open-minded about collab as the IC continues on, especially when we start the action scenes. A big thank you to [@Grasshopper] for being the one who shared my sentiment for collab writing. (Also, I did state in the check and OOC that this RP will involve heavy collab work, so I'm quite shocked when you guys are telling me you don't wish to do collabs at all.) Can I get a vote to see who wants to go solo and who is okay with collab? Then I'll rewrite the GM part accordingly (or I'd probably just remove it since it's just an expansion of the outline I've already given to all.)