[hider=Chess "Cheshire Cat" Robertson] [URL=http://s10.photobucket.com/user/andi976/media/images%2069.jpg.html][IMG]http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a110/andi976/images%2069.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Chess Robertson: Chess is the beloved youngest child of a large family. He always got his way even when he was wrong because his parents thought he was perfect. Part of this belief was because he had been a surprise after they thought they were done having children. The other part was that he had died three times after being born due to a infection but had revived each time with no permanent damage done to his body or mind. His parents called him their "Little Prince." However, Chess was far from perfect. He liked to set fires for no reason just to watch things burn. Another of his joys was mental manipulation. He liked to set his siblings against one another by messing with them. Even though they knew he was this way they still fell for it most of the time since he was so good at the "game" and was very smart. He would always just grin when caught and then run off laughing. As he grew older, his exploits and behavior became more and more pronounced until even his parents could no longer overlook them. When he almost set his brother on fire for a perceived slight, his parents decided he needed help and made him come with them to a therapist. At first he refused but seeing this as a way to have fun and make his family seem foolish he reluctantly agreed. The therapist saw through his act and suggested that he needed more long term and intensive help so recommended a stay at Wonderland Asylum. When his parents agreed he became enraged and had to be restrained. He vowed on the way to the asylum that when he got out he would make his family realize just how big a mistake they had made by betraying him. [/hider]