Making his way to the door with liquor in hand, he gravitates upstairs to the living room where he'd last left his dusted old laptop. Setting the beers on the counter, he takes one a makes a seat for himself over at his desk. Moments after booting up, he notices his screen flicker a few times with strange text typing across the screen. He narrows in on it and automatically figures its something out of the ordinary. After finishing skimming through the text, he takes a sip of the beer and clicks 'Yes' just to see what would happen and to no avail he finds his mind warped with electrical signals pulsating throughout his body. The beer can falls- spilling across the floor with his laptops flickering screen being the only thing in sight. Reappearing in a black room with an oval table of twenty chairs, he tries catching his breath and getting a better sense of his surroundings. What had just happened was something he wasn't quite prepared for and he steadily begins to panic before being greeted by a digitalized voice mentioning someone by the name of Luna. A few people step forth revealing themselves and taking seats across the oval table. Before taking a seat, he soon notices something strangely familiar about himself! The gauntlets, the wardrobe, his bulky size...he'd just realized he become his long-time character Eturund from an MMORPG he'd been long attached to. This was not that game, but something else. He takes a seat and a rush of excitement begins to flow through him. He takes a quick glance at the others around the table...and began having thoughts.