[sub]A collab featuring [@Ellion][/sub] [h1][center][color=ed1c24]Medusa[/color] & Taran[/center][/h1] Alexina left him in a large stone room on the ground floor of the castle, with a small window that showed a grassy clearning that turned into the forest. There were two beds and other furnature that made the whole thing seem a lot more homely and less...castelly. Taran didn't have much to put in the room, so even after he had unpacked all of his belongings, there wasn't much change in the room. But, he still felt very content, the euphoric feeling of the vow still running through his veins when he finally fell alseep that night. It all came crashing down when he awoke to the smell of smoke in his room. Some how he had manged to set his blanket on fire. Taran immediately lept out of bed, trying to smother the blanket fire in itself. After the fire was put out, his adrenaline was rushing through him far too much to allow him to even think of sleep. Besides, now he was starting fire in his sleep, that did not make sleep a tempting option to say the least. Instead of waiting around his room for morning, he decided to get up and wander about his new home. Despite it being well before dawn, the castle still seemed wide awake, with fires roaring in every fireplace and candles and torches fighting away the dark gloom of the hallways. He didn't run onto anyone however. He did find the kitchen and variouse other rooms that held an assortment of tools he couldn't even begin to describe or name. Finally he came to a library. Taran had never known that there were that many books in the whole world and never in a single room, no matter the size. His village rarely was lucky enough to come across books to sale or to borrow and his parents only had religious books. Even those got dull after a while. Taran didn't dare to take any of the tomes off of their selves, but his did run his finger across the titles, he could read some of them, but most seemed to be written in an unfamilar tongue. [color=ed1c24]"Dragon's tongue."[/color] Medusa suddenly spoke from behind Taran. [color=ed1c24]"Lorelai's addition to the collection. They detail Demon Lords, something I doubt you're prepared for."[/color] Taran jumped nearly a foot off the ground when Medusa spoke, he hadn't known anyone was in the room but himself. [color=708090]"D-dragon tongue Ma'am?"[/color] he said before he could stop himself.[color=708090] "I-I mean, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude...I just, couldn't sleep,"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Not to worry Taran, I could use a diversion anyway."[/color] Medusa smiled and moved next to him facing the shelf. Her fingers traced the spines of some leather bound volumes fondly. [color=ed1c24]"Dragon's Tongue is the language of demons, the Von'Strauss gift."[/color] She sighed. [color=ed1c24] "Enough about that though. What's troubling you?"[/color] Taran understood less than half the words that Medusa spoke. But, he figured that if it was important, it would be explained to him at a later time.[color=708090] "Well,"[/color] he said, shifting slightly.[color=708090] "I sort of... Set my blanket on fire while I ...slept. That's never happened before,"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I see."[/color] Medusa suppressed a small laugh. It may have been cruel, but the thought of the boy leaping out of his flaming bed in the middle of the night was unfortunately amusing. [color=ed1c24]"Is there anything I can do to help?"[/color] [color=708090]"Do you have any suggestions on how to get it to stop?"[/color] He asked [color=708090]" I can't help but feel like the lack of sleep will lead to you having a problem with a sleepwalking ball of flame,"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Well I wouldn't want that."[/color] She smiled and walked over to a different section of the library. [color=ed1c24]"You've spent alot of time running from what you are, from what you can do."[/color] Medusa pulled a small book from a shelf. [color=ed1c24]"Pyromancy has a long history, and we hardly have the largest collection, but some powerful witches had your talent."[/color] She handed him the volume. [color=ed1c24]"How can you hope to control a part of you that you can't even accept?"[/color] Taran took the book that was offered.[color=708090] "I didn't know that what I could do could fill even one book,"[/color] he said, flipping through the pages. There were a lot of complex diagrams and equations that made his head hurt just looking at them. [color=708090]"For the longest time, I had no idea that I could even do magic... I mostly just...hoped that I was crazy,"[/color] he glanced down. [color=708090]"Did you always know you were a...a... Witch?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Yes, but I was fortunate. The Elders spoke to me when I was little, and imparted an understanding of what I was, and what I would become."[/color] She patted Taran's shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"But not many are so lucky, and many squander their talents. Do not think you are lesser because of your ignorance, but think instead that you needs simply to catch up."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Perform this for me, and I'll take you as an apprentice if you'd like."[/color] She moved towards the door of the library. [color=ed1c24]"Go into the forest, and find that piece of yourself you've been hiding, speak to it. Not with words, but with your will. Make it a part of you, feel it's desire to make you whole. Whole, and powerful."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Once that is done, I think you'll have little difficulty with control, and will be well on your way to true witchdom."[/color] With a final smile she left, leaving Taran to his thoughts. [color=708090]"If...if that is what it takes Mistress, then I do it gladly, although I won't pretend I am not... Afraid,"[/color] he said, biting his lip before watching her go. [i]I can do this[/i] knowing in his heart, that the fear was not from danger he might encounter in the woods, the castle would keep him physically safe. ~mystic spirit animal journey ~ By the time Taran returned to the castle, the sun was well past noon. It was even later when he found Medusa in tHr library once again. [color=708090]"Mistress,"[/color] he said, bowing slightly. His voice was significantly more steady and his posture showed h wAs more sure of himself[color=708090] "I think, no, I know I am ready to continue my training under you ,"[/color] Medusa smiled, pleased. [color=ed1c24]"Yes, you are. It will not be easy."[/color] She had a small stack of books on basic magics waiting for Taran by the time he arrived back. [color=ed1c24]"You are to read these, and perform a small spell from each discipline."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"We'll meet here every other day, and I'll answer any questions you may have."[/color] She looked at him, her eyes hard. [color=ed1c24]"Your power is expressed in it's rawest form through destruction. Enemies haunt our woods and lands. I want you, as a testament to your cunning and power, to convince Alexina or Lorelai to take you along as she scours them from our home."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Do you think you can complete these tasks?"[/color] She asked bluntly. [color=708090]"I will not fail you Mistress, no matter what it takes,"[/color]