[center][color=00a651][b]Name: [/b][/color] Rosaleen Crowley [color=00a651][b]Age: [/b][/color] 25 [color=00a651][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=00a651][b]Species: [/b][/color] Witch [color=00a651][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Second in Command [b][color=00a651]Personality:[/color][/b] In contrast to her first in command, Rosa appears to be a much colder individual. She is sharp-tongued and sarcastic. She says what is on her mind and doesn't seem to have a filter. She is also strict and has high expectations of other people and if they don't meet her expectations, they should prepare for some lashing out. She is a hardworking, responsible person who does her best to complete any task given to her to the best of her abilities and with efficiency. People are often scared of her because of her personality and her naturally angry-looking face. However, that doesn't mean she is a mean person. She is actually quite nice when people get to know her and has a soft spot for all living things. She is secretly protective and maternal, though that side of her isn't quite obvious to most people. [b][color=00a651]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Rosa Crowley] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0c/2a/d2/0c2ad2ddd10ddf67e2a23a86570e5bbe.jpg[/img] [/hider] Rosa is not very tall, standing only at 5"2 but she often wears boots with high heels to make herself seem taller. She dyes her hair often but at the moment it's black with green streaks. [b][color=00a651]Equipment/weapons:[/color][/b] Rosa always has some potions on her in case she needs to help heal someone. She also carries a charm that is supposed to "ward off evil". It was given to her by her grandmother so she doesn't exactly know if it works but hopefully it does. [b][color=00a651]History:[/color][/b] Rosa never had the chance to meet her father because he was slain before she was born. She was raised by her mother and her grandmother who both were witches as well. They taught her everything she knew about magic and potions. It was a peaceful existence and when she was not at school, she was working at her grandmother's charm shop. However as she grew up, she learned that things were not that easy. They struggled to pay rent and business was not as good as it could be. There was also this constant fear that they might be hunted down like her father was. They weren't alone though. There were other witches like themselves and they stuck together at the Coven. Rosa was extremely grateful for the support and now that she has gotten older, participated more and did her best to help with anything the Coven needed. She was very hardworking and moved up the ranks patiently, only to end up being second in command to some young world traveler who has decided to show up seemingly out of nowhere. At first she was disappointed with the elders'choice, but when she saw him at work, she realized that he was not as incompetent as she thought. He was a talented witch and a responsible leader, so she had no choice but to respect him. With the threat of war looming over them, Rosa has been doing her best to prepare. While she does want to avoid it, she cannot deny the fact that it is a likely possibility. She wants the Coven to be ready for whatever may happen. [/center]