[@Raijinslayer] [center][b][h2][color=ed1c24]S[/color][color=f7941d]a[/color][color=fff200]y[/color][color=39b54a]a[/color][color=0072bc]t[/color][color=662d91]a[/color][color=ed145b]c[/color][color=ed1c24]h[/color][color=f7941d]h[/color][color=fff200]i[/color] [color=ed1c24]N[/color][color=f7941d]i[/color][color=fff200]j[/color][color=39b54a]i[/color][color=0072bc]k[/color][color=662d91]o[/color][/h2][/b][/center] [i]"Huh? Oh, it's nothing really. Just still a bit anxious about being in a guild, since it'll be my first time being in one. Been a bit of a lone wolf up until this point, so I'm getting the jitters is all. No need to let me bother you with such small things." [/i] [b]"You can tell me whatever you wish."[/b] Sayatachi responds as she analyzes him quickly, [b]"It'll stay in between us and no one else."[/b] She can tell something was really up with him... as if something was gnawing at his mind. But alas, she might as well ask as soon as they get to the bar. The negativite aura seemed to be easily rising from Argus for a short while till it suddenly disappeared completely. [i]"We almost there, cause I just . . . I need to sit down."[/i] [b]"It's just over here."[/b] the Rainbow Majesty answers as she points to its location As they reached the bar, Sayatachi leads Argus into the bar, where everyone else was drinking or watching the game from the lacrimas stationed on the walls and tables. Soon, they two find a seat near the center and they would sit down and order some drinks. Again, the lady can see that Argus was indeed looking very sickly and was having a growing concern for him. [b]"Your negativity has seemed to vanish,"[/b] she responds softly, trying to get Argus' mind into place, [b]"Yet you still look quite sickly. What's troubling you?"[/b] [hr] [@hatakekuro] [center][h2][b][color=fff200]Samir Saron[/color][/b][/h2][/center] As she walks slowly back to the Hotel, Samir decides that it's best to probably get Marlene some medicinal ointment to help sooth her aching joints after the battle. After all, she seemed to be in some discomfort in the morning, so might as well get some for her anyways. Yet the only place she knows that she can get some of this is from the infirmary. She then spots one right by the arena, hearing the faint sounds of battle and cheering from within the latter. She wonders who was fighting now and what the next battle will be, but she has no time for that now. As she walks into the infirmary, she sees the other patients waiting to be treated, with many she recognizes being wizards themselves. They must've been pretty banged up in the matches. Are the fights getting even more intense already? Regardless, as soon as the line to the counter moved up one, she finds herself by the counter window and politely asks for the said ointment. She was told to give them a minute as they try to see if they happen to still have some, for they were already beginning to run out of it. The Archer sighs as she quietly sits down and waits for them to arrive with or without the ointment. As she looks around aimlessly, her eye then catches a familiar face. It was Marlene's "crush" Nolan... and he didn't look that good either... probably half dead or something. An eyebrow raises up as she slowly walks towards him, hoping that her presence won't send him running out the door. [color=fff200]"Nolan-sama?"[/color] she asks politely as she lightly taps on his shoulder, [color=fff200]"You looked pretty banged up. What happened over there at the arena?"[/color]