I will be posting IC very shortly. Sorry for the delay. I would like to point out a few new/old things... 1.) I added A LOT of new info into the first post in the "characters" tab as I updated it with all kinds of stuff. Skills, equipment, and currency are perhaps the most useful new hiders. 2.) We have limited supplies/equipment; please do not pull random stuff out of thin air. Be aware of what we have available to us, and if something more is needed remember it and try to steal, buy, barter, etc for it whenever you next get the chance. Till then get creative. The only equipment you should keep on your character sheet are special unique items (Argurios' leatherworking tools, Aiden's survival kit, Brisa's spell books, etc) or weapons. Basic supplies such as clothing, backpacks, food, etc you don't need to keep updated on your character sheet; i'll keep a tally in the equipment/supplies hider. Until we have to go a long time without easily accessible food I will not bother to keep track of that; it will be assumed that we forage (hunt, fish, etc) food as we go and supplement with assorted trail rations we pick up as we travel. 3.) We are very young with limited skills: many times in many past posts (including my own) I have caught effective/trained use of skills not known or learned by our characters. I read back through everything and created an updated skill list based on actions and readings; but we need to curtail the random knowledge. It would be a good idea to bring your characters sheet up to date with your new range of skills listed at your earliest convenience. Teachers, trial and error, and observation are important; new skills should be knowingly developed before they can be reliably used and its actually kinda a big deal to develop one; make it so. Trial and error will be particularly important to us; its a great way to learn. Start paying attention to what you can actually do/have the skills to do in any effective manner. Use of skills you don't actually possess or untrained abilities will at best fail you completely and at worst start causing more harm than good; the effects of which will be discovered in the GM's posts which while we might find it briefly kinda fun I still don't want to have to do. Remember the obvious way of doing something may not be the best way, or even possible. Once again I will say be creative. If there is something you particularly want to learn figure out how to have your character learn it (start practicing it, observe others using the skill, ask another party member if they happen to know it, whatever) and work its development into the story. You can see I've been working on Brisa learning the Chultean language and just started her on another more mage-y study as well. The more you use a skill the better you get at it too so Aiden and Argurios will get better at using their chosen weapons the more they do so. Teachers might teach you any variety of things; maybe not even things you had planned on learning; but considering our situation any skill should be considered valuable. Who knows when it will be vital in the future. 4) aiden: going over old posts (from starlit palace & here) I realized you have in your inventory 2 stone carvings; those were originally two different descriptions of the same carving so I re-combined it to a single item on the equipment list I just made since they haven't really come into effect yet.