[@KatherinWinter][@jog1118] The arid Ciudad Mitad del Mundo heat pummeled through the bus window which had been conveniently left agape for in dire situations much like today. It was hot. Too hot in fact, and not even the most advanced of handheld fans, nor open window could sooth someone's searing skin. Fortunately for Narcissa, she was fairly content with the sweltering weather, after all, she hadn't come prepared for nothing. She had packed everything she could ever need, or at least, she hoped she did. Performing one final check of her luggage, Narcissa couldn't help but feel like she had disregarded something of great importance. What that 'important' thing was exactly was currently unknown. As the bus slowly ground down to a halt, there was no time for recollection before she was practically hauled off the parked vehicle by the driver, who by the looks of it was in quite the hurry. [color=00aeef][I]Ah, I'm sure it's nothing...[/I][/color] Narcissa sighed solemnly before returning to her usual, lively self. Continuing on her journey, she'd come to spot two male figures in the field next to her, their gaze secured so solely on the ground beneath them that she doubted they'd even seen her. [color=00aeef]"Hello?"[/color] She called out inquisitively, hoping to at least catch one of their attention. (I got lazy near the end, so please excuse my sloppy writing skills >_<)