[center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--6kE6MFp8kw/Ur4Y0l04q7I/AAAAAAAADHU/5ZDub1Tf9pA/s320/tumblr_mmuk301nUZ1s5m0cro1_500.gif[/img] [color=black][h3]Loki[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]: 36 Avalon Point → Early Bean[/i] [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Mr. Richardson, present in the same place as Miles [@Murdoc] Barachiel [@Skelace] Talia [@13Nightingale], mention of Andrew [@Dusk][/i][/center] Water cascaded from the shiny chrome rain shower head. Wealth was nice, and being able to afford the best things in life was even nicer. In Avalon Point, the water was always hot when you wanted it to be, and the pressure was exactly right. Despite the luxurious comfort of the walk in shower, Loki lathered and rinsed rather quickly. Stepping out of the shower, Loki toweled off and styled his hair with a bit of mousse before heading to the master bedroom. Wearing nothing but a plush white towel around his waist, as Charles had seen him wearing far less before, Loki walked up the stairs. Sure, he could have showered in the ensuite bathroom connected to his bedroom, but what was the point of having 5 bathrooms if you weren’t going to [i]use[/i] them all? The walk-in closet was as spacious as one might expect, especially for such a metrosexual egomaniac. The left wall had a row of suit jackets and below that a matching row of trousers, both arranged in color order from darkest to lightest. The back wall had multiple shelves of mostly dress shoes, loafers, and a just a few pairs of trainers. The drawers below it contained socks, pants, and belts. The right wall had a row of finely pressed undershirts, vests, and ties, the row below that had a small collection of ‘casual’ clothing: khakis, button-ups, cashmere and argyle jumpers, leather jackets, and a few pairs of dark-wash jeans. Today, Loki chose a classic suit color combination - black on black on black, with the exception of a silver bow tie. He liked bowties, they added to the charming scientist vibe, like that Bill Nye fellow. Though, Loki was far more attractive. Now well dressed and ready for the day, Loki went to his office. Tracing his finger along the oversized calendar, Loki determined today’s date. [color=black]”The ninth… that would be…”[/color] Loki looked up the ceiling in thought, spinning his his desk chair. He used different burner phones on different days of the week, rotating the number associated with the numerical date of the month in a randomized combination from month to month. [color=black]”Mobile number 12.”[/color] He decided and then opened the third drawer down on his desk. This drawer was full of an obscene amount of cell phones, all serviced by pre-paid cards that were bought in various locations at different times, using dosh only. Loki always used dosh for illicit dealings, anything else is far too easily traced. Powering up the mobile, Loki dialed in Mr. Richardson’s number. Loki had no idea if that was actually the man’s name, just as the man did not know Loki’s true name. What they did know, is they had an important business to protect, and anonymity and caution was [i]everything[/i]. Mr. Richardson would only answer the phone call if it was received at the predetermined time and from the correct phone number from the burner phone assigned to that day of the month. [i]”Philip!”[/i] Richardson answered in an excited voice. It was not Loki’s name, nor an alias, but a random unrelated code name. This entire conversation would be spoken in code, because…. Well, just in case someone [i]might[/i] be listening in. Although, that was pretty much impossible. Paranoia knows no bounds! [color=black]”How’s the wife, mate? And the kids, getting good marks in school?”[/color] The wife was the business as a whole, the kids were the cooks and dealers. This call was mostly to keep Loki updated on the goings on that he didn’t see, but Richardson did. The meeting ended on a positive note, all was well with the wife and kids! Richardson suggested a place where they should [i]”meet up for lunch and really catch up!”[/i] This was how Loki would know where to casually leave Richardson’s handsome payment for the week in the form of cold, hard dosh in an envelope, the amount of which was almost as obscene as the number of mobiles in that drawer. The location was on the way to Loki’s favorite cafe, the Early Bean. After discreetly placing the envelope in the decided location, Loki went to fetch a hot cuppa. The little bell jingled against the glass door as he entered. His eyes wandered to the employees and he frowned slightly, seeing that his favorite wasn’t there. [i]”The usual, Mr. Van Stenberg?[/i] The mousey cashier girl asked. Loki gave her a crooked grin that instantly made her blush. [color=black]”I suppose I am quite predictable… yes, thank you.”[/color] Loki said before producing his card to pay. [color=black]”No Andrew today?[/color] he asked in a tone that somehow managed to sound both curious and disinterested in her answer. [i]”Not yet, no, sorry.”[/i] she nervously mumbled her apology as she handed back his card and then busied herself with making his drink. While Loki waited for his beverage, he scanned the room. Some familiar faces were present - that pretty bird who sold him his current home, and that fae hairdresser. He thought it smelled a little extra sweet in the cafe today. [i]Mmm……[/i]