[quote=@Remipa Awesome] I need relationship advice outside of FB because of things. So if a girl accidentally says she loves me like 2-3 times within a week does that mean something? Like I knew she had a crush on me a few times int he past but it's hard to say. I suck with this kind of thing.... By a lot.... *Has no idea what I am doing please help* [/quote] I don't think saying you love someone 2-3 times in a week is "accidental". That seems pretty intentional, or maybe they are in denial and they subconsciously keep bringing it up? Those are just my thoughts from an outside perspective, it's hard to really say for sure without personally knowing the two of you, or how you interact. Though... it's been quite long time since I've been in the flirting/dating scene, and an even longer time since being in that scene in a high school setting (because that is 10x more bizarre and convoluted because most people are either too pussy to say how they really feel, or they like to play games with other people's feelings).