[quote=@Silvan Haven] [b]Lux Harken[/b] Lux raised an eyebrow at that. As far as he was aware there were no laws about the amount of people who could take a job. Anyone could accept if the poster was still up. Not that he wanted sole rights to the job himself either. "Mind sharing?" He asked, "It's a pretty big paycheck. I'm sure we can find a way to split it evenly." [/quote] [@Krayzikk] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Caasicam] [color=ed1c24][h3]Angel Ferrara: The Other Guy[/h3][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Big enough to go six ways, though?"[/color] Angel ran his hand along the back of his neck somewhat with an uncharacteristically half-bullish grin on his face. Kaia liked to typecast him as the complete innocent of the duo - which was [i]mostly[/i] true, save when it came down to the nitty gritty of the paychecks that would keep Ferrara and Iona fed, clothed, and rested on their whirlwind southbound adventure. It was there, along with fights, where his rare beacons of confidence could shine. And it looked like right now they might need that. [color=ed1c24]"Because my partner and I are already helping Cyare on the bridge job."[/color] He hoped Kaia would be cunning enough to play along. She usually was, but she wasn't exactly as up to speed as most of the others that had congregated; he'd hoped to talk to her about the job with Cyare before anyone else showed up. Angel hadn't really expected it to be a problem. [color=ed1c24]"We were just talking out the details on the way here."[/color]