[center][color=f26522][h3]Freddie Milton Hughes-Jackson[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] Travelling to Revelation library. [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Mentions of Eve [@Write].[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GBeXzsu.gif[/img][/center] Stumbling out of Farady Heights 24, Freddie felt the cold air sting his red hot face. [i]Damn it, damn it, damn![/i] he thought, unlocking and jumping onto his bike. [i]Of course you managed to make a fool of yourself in front of the beautiful girl next door, of course you did! It'd be terrible if anyone didn't think you were an idiot![/i] The blush that had started creeping up his neck from the moment he saw Eve in the hallway simmered in the frosty air of the Unseelie winter. By the time he reached the library, it had mostly cooled off, even though the events that caused it were still replaying themselves through Freddie's mind. Swinging round the corner, Freddie's work place came into view; the recently renamed Revelation Library. Not a lot of establishments had any interest in showing support or condemnation for the newly outed others (though Freddie had noticed a lot more signs outside cafés and bards saying things like "show us your fangs, drinks half price" or "faeries who fly drink free!") but those in charge at the library felt the only humane way to react to the Incident was to make an open declaration of support for others. Literally, a banner over the door proclaimed "All are welcomed" with cutesy images of vampires and werewolves drawn on either side of the words. As much as Freddie appreciated the sentiment, he was certainly not ready to start animating objects right out in the open. Wait and see, wait and see. Locking his bike, Freddie took a moment to breathe in the crisp air. [i]Well[/i], he thought, [i]the morning hasn't gone so well so far. Anti-other attacks, Unseelie still freezing everything and making a complete clown of yourself. Here's hoping it can only get better.[/i] [i]Shyeah, right.[/i] [center][color=8493ca][h3]Nicodem Kaminski[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] 14 Pratchett Road. [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Ryan , Mentions of Aila, Nikita [@Apokalipse], Nicholas [@MiddleEarthRoze], Patrick [@Skelace] and 'Low Key' [@Silent Observer].[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nI3vzso.gif[/img][/center] Realising that, of course, Ryan hadn't been to bed yet, Nicodem sighed and walked back down the stairs, leaving the food on the table. Of course Ryan worked hard, that much was indisputable, and of course he wanted to do the best job possible, you only had to look at him. But Nicodem sometimes wondered whether Ryan might benefit from some of his own signature self discipline. Sleep at a certain time, rise at a certain time and work at a certain time. That way he wouldn't work until the wee hours of the morning, fall asleep on his desk and spend the rest of the day tired, only to repeat the process the following night. Still, the commissioner gets to do pretty much what he wants when it comes down to it and Nicodem wasn't going to be the one to tell him otherwise. As his superior and housemate slowly made his way down the stairs, Nicodem tucked into his own breakfast and carefully sipped some of his tea. Piping hot, strong as an ox and black as midnight on a moonless night, just as he liked it. At Ryan's question, he nodded and gave a small smile. "[color=8493ca]Nicholas will do a fine job, as always. As for partner, why not Nikita if there's going to be undercover work? She's good at fitting in where ever she's sent and is no slouch in a scrap. Nicholas will nose around, make some noise and rustle the bushes, she can watch to see what tries to fly away.[/color]" Nicodem's hunting metaphor was dated in the extreme (he hadn't hunted birds like that since before firearms were invented) but the point was clear enough. His own breakfast now finished, Nicodem was just clearing away his plate as Ryan asked if there was anything else. He turned back and fixed Ryan with serious look. "[color=8493ca]I'm afraid I have something, yes. The werewolf that lost control and killed the young girl, Nick Bloodfang, was killed in captivity. A group named Helsing have claimed responsibility and apparently intend to commit more murders of others. There's a manifesto on the Youtube but the gist of it seems to be 'Mortals first, Others second'.[/color]" Youtube, Twitter and Facebook are all too modern and unnecessary for Nicodem to have bothered to learn their uses, functions or correct names. "[color=8493ca]We need to know what the local wolves think of this development and when there are going to be repercussions, luckily enough we have three of them on the force. I'll talk to Nicholas, see what he thinks and ask him if he can have a few words with the others around. And Patrick, though I'm not sure his pack talks to him much. You should talk to Aila though, she's gunning for a promotion and I think you might be her hero so she'll answer you. We should talk about her promotion soon, by the by."[/color] Drumming his fingers on the counter, Nicodem seemed to consider for a few seconds. "[color=8493ca]Oh, yes. You and I need to sit down and talk about the 'Low Key' case. As much as you like spending all night staring at the case file, I imagine we might make a little more progress with two heads rather than one and not at one in the morning.[/color]". There was a hint of reproach in his voice but more teasing than reprimanding.