[color=7da7db][h3]Varrus Volkanon[/h3][/color] Varrus sighed heavily as he lifted a hand to bridge of his nose, pinching it between his index finger and thumb. It was one thing to not be able to solve a riddle like this, but it was another when lives were possibly at stake- not excluding his own. It was then that his vision fell to the engraving as his hand returned to the pommel at his side. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, we know it has something to do with the torches and where we began. We should make our way back and examine the area,"[/color] He stated, turning back to face the way they came as he began to trek past those about him. He continued on in silence as his vision focused forward... In his mind however, his thoughts would begin to pour over the information given to him. The speculation of the others reinforce what he originally thought about the torches, but the remainder of the riddle still evade him. Or should he say, partial riddle. The third partition merely said embrace, and the forth spoke of something all consuming. His first venture was death, but death has no mass... It cannot fill a hole. A hole? At this, Varrus paused a moment, looking over his shoulder back to the inscription for a moment as he paused in his steps. Something unlike the light that can fill a hole. At this notion, Varrus looked between those in the group around him, [color=7ea7d8]"Something unlike the Light that puts an end to laughter and fills holes. At first I was thinking of something with mass, but what if I'm wrong?"[/color] His gaze began to flicker to the unlit areas of the room as his brain began to formulate a plan, [color=7ea7d8]"I think the answer is closer than we think. Light is all encompassing, yes, but it can be seen and usually bolsters the mood of people within it. However, it's opposite can bring fear and terror to some, while swallowing all within it's reach. Not to mention the cliche wording of the third and forth phrase if I'm right, but..."[/color] Varrus paused a moment as he turned back towards the original torches, though making no movement, [color=7ea7d8]"What if the answer is darkness?"[/color]