Worden came closer and knelt down near the fire. The light reflected off his eyes as he assessed the situation. These people before him seemed to not want to harm him. Though he seemed weary of others, he had also not seen anyone sane, much less anyone at all, in a very long time. He forwent any fears he may have had about the trustworthiness of others and decided to listen to the old man's story. His expression was that of worry but he still smiled at the man, urging him on with his story. He decided not to speak, as he did not want to provoke anyone or give them hints of where he lived. Instead he just listened and waited, taking note of the others and their composures. He looked back, as if remembering the large mechanism he left behind. He could go back to get it, either to protect it or himself, or he could leave it. It was sturdy and Worden didn't seem to be in any trouble anyway. He just focused his attention back to the fire and the group, waiting to hear the old man's tale.