"[color=a36209]I am perfectly fine ... Fujisawa,[/color]" replied the brown-haired teenager through coarse, rapid breaths even as the half-empty can was pressed into her free hand by the aforementioned boy. "[color=a36209]Do not fret for me.[/color]" She took a step forwards, throwing her head back as she gulped down the entirety of the can's liquid contents without hesitation. In another situation, she would likely have been discontented by the possibility of the drink being unsanitary, but an instinct within her gut called for her to consume it all. It was an offering from Fujisawa, and given his prior assistance, she was entirely willing to trust his hands with her safety. And for some incomprehensible reason ... it did appear to help her. Was it the rush of caffeine that had entered her system? Did it react strangely with her newfound supernatural powers? It did not matter. As long as she could better neutralise the monster hound and protect everyone, anything was fine. That was her responsibility. Another step forward. The can clattered to the ground. Her gaze fell upon the staggering, wounded beast. Its body was evidently failing; had it been any other creature, she would have declared it to be dead despite her lack of medical qualifications. It was as if she was watching a desperate, screaming thing beg for reprieve from the morgue. However, it was not her place to provide it that mercy. Nao had only one duty to fulfil. To ensure that it would never harm another human again. "[color=a36209]Understood.[/color]" And she ran, ignoring the pain that pounded her legs, ignoring the drying blood staining her shirt (her wounds were healing; the gashes were gone), ignoring the fact that she was essentially charging into battle against a creature that seemed to have stepped out of Greek mythology. She ran and grabbed and pulled at the closest vine, her grip tightening around it to keep it from moving away. It would fall here. She would ensure it. Her other arm lifted the compass up. The snake that was its needle span and span and span and span once more. "[color=a36209]Dikē, [b]bash[/b] it into pieces![/color]" The needle landed upon the vines. Dikē, the goddess of justice, materialised once more, dress flowing, mask sparkling with a sea of stars, and leapt forth, swinging its weapon to strike against the plants. Striking hard. Striking fast. Striking frequently.