[h3][center][color=9000f9]Trinity Stratos[/color][/center][/h3] Trinity nodded to Sasha and went ahead to get a cab or something for Lazarus, but she had quite a time finding one. Sasha had come out before she could secure one and she managed. The minstrel paid for it, at least, and climbed in with the others. She pet Karn softly all the while, rubbing the back of his neck. She should get him away from crowds. If someone came at him again, it would be easier to find them in a place with fewer people. She also had to think of some way to defend against a possibly mundane sound attack. They couldn't have Karn go berserk again without a way to help him. "Hmm... earmuffs?" She tenderly rubbed the tip of his ear, trying to imagine it. "Nah..."