[color=purple][h2]Underground Search Party-Ruins[/h2][/color] Mettaton answered Chen, clearly glad that he was finally recognized, and someone was inflating was ego, "[color=magenta]WHY YES I AM DAHLING! I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED MY SHOW, 'COOKING WITH METTATON!'[/color]" Skylar laughed and she warned Chen in a joking tone, "Careful, don't inflate his ego too much," She heard Mettaton let out an indignant huff at her warning. She couldn't help but laugh at David's joke as he flew overhead. She looked at Undyne and she answered her question, "Yeah, she did! Frisk did say that she led them through this puzzle..." Before she could even solve it herself (or call Toriel), Chen had already walked through the path, Mettaton and David flew over it, and Sans had taken a shortcut past it with the tiny Aria in tow. Skylar commented to Undyne laughing a bit, "Well there's no need to call her now...Let's get going," She then followed the path herself, leading the others who may have walked in after the solution was shown, and Skylar made sure that everyone made it across before progressing into the next room. The next room was a long hallway. The exit was clearly at the other end, but it was hard to see due to the distance. On the left, leaning on the wall was a mirror. In front of the group, just lying on the ground, was a note. Skylar tilted her head in curiosity, and she asked "What's that...? Another puzzle from those sisters?" She walked up to the note, and she picked it up and read it out loud, "[i]From here to the tree, Can you walk those miles In another's shoes? Enjoy this game And see through another's eyes,[/i]" Before Skylar even realized what was happening, there was a flash of light, and the souls of the group suddenly appeared out of their bodies, and flew around chaotically, before disappearing into the bodies once again. To Skylar, there was a white flash of light, and she had blinked only to find herself, no longer standing and holding onto the note. She noticed she was in mid-air, and she asked, ignoring how her voice sounded completely different than it normally did, "What the-?!" Before she accidentally let out a bird like squawk and fell to the ground. She looked at herself and saw that she had feathers! FEATHERS!!! She started to ask again in shock, "What just-?!" "[color=magenta]Ohhh Myyyy![/color]" Skylar widened her eyes (in surprise, and embarrassment) at the sound of her own voice...mimicking how Mettaton would speak. She looked to see her own body, and whoever was in it was studying herself, before they spoke again, "[color=magenta]Well, this is certainly a strange turn of events...[/color]" 'Skylar's' eyes widened before asking "[color=magenta]Wait a Magnificent Moment! What happened to MY FABULOUS BODY?![/color]" Skylar looked to see Mettaton's body, wondering who was in Mettaton's body, and she looked to everyone else in worry. [color=yellow][h2]Surface Group[/h2][/color] [h3][color=green]Forest[/color][/h3] Asgore watched as Alphys tended to the pangolin monster. Of course, he was upset by the fact that this monster had charged at the human girl with a weapon, but he had calmed down enough so that he wouldn't act rashly. He asked the Pangolin monster while Alphys rifled through her belongings for a pack of ice, "[color=red]What is your name, young one? And I must ask, but why did you charge at the human like that?[/color]" He wanted to give the Pangolin a chance to explain himself. But if the reason was something along the lines of humans being evil, then Asgore wasn't going to show the Pangolin mercy. [h3][color=cornflowerblue]Town of Ebbott[/color][/h3] Annie panted heavily as she tried to move the pipe from Erion's grip, only to find that she didn't have enough strength to make it budge. She had no choice but to listen to what he had to say, her breathing slowed and eased away from the panicked cadence. As she listened, she stared at Erion in the eyes, allowing him to spot something strange. Her irises had turned red, but as he continued speaking, the red faded and allowed Annie's eyes to return to their normal eye color. She sighed and dropped the pipe, and she answered him, "[color=plum]OK...OK...Fine,[/color]" She then growled warily "[color=plum]But if you try anything, then I will fight back,[/color]" For now, she was willing to give Erion a chance. But she was still worried that his monster friends would still come after her. Her body was still somewhat tense, as though bracing herself to run or fight again.