[b]Name[/b]: Kinjabal [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Troll [b]Rank[/b]: Second-in-Command [b]Personality[/b]: Despite being what some would consider an adult troll, there was always one particular trait that Kinjabal never let go from his younger years. That trait would be a desire to experience the excitement of life, which is often visualized as thrilling adventures and epic battles. The trait has dulled, as he no longer thinks that the world can provide either adventure or epic battles, but it still resonates within him with enough influence to have him seek some sort of conflict. Aside from that, he's usually very competent in his personal decisions, and rarely goes against Tribe Leader's proposals and plans. That being said, he is still very arrogant and cocky, boasting about his skill and strength whenever not discussing anything that would affect the tribe as a whole. He's also driven in whatever goal he or his tribe has decided on, and is almost too stubborn to be convinced that certain decisions that have been made are bad. [b]Other[/b]: He tries to hide it, but when a woman tries to flirt with him, he gets really flustered. [b]Appearance[/b]: Despite the picture, it really only shows off his physique, rather than the normal clothes he wears. Casually, he wears large jeans and and a tank top, covered in large coats with large hoods, and inner pockets that hide smaller weapons like his pistol and tomahawk. He also wears boots and fingerless gloves. When hiding among the humans, he's usually avoiding large crowds or anyone that may get close enough to see past the shadows of his coat's hood. To hide his hair, he slicks it back with water before pulling the hood over his head. [img]http://i.imgur.com/tLisBbL.jpg[/img] [b]Equipment/weapons[/b]: [list] [*]Barreta 90 [*]Iron Tomahawk [*]Earbuds that are synched to a radio frequency that only the Trolls of Staten Island have access to. [*]Knife [/list] [b]History[/b]: Kinjabal was born and raised in Manhattan...well, raised the way trolls are raised anyway. His life on its own was always filled with a sense of longing. Like other trolls, he wanted to live out in the world as an equal, but he was raised to believe that humans would treat him and the rest of his kind either as barbarians or even monsters. As a child, he thought that it was foolish of humans to think that way, when most had probably never have seen one for themselves at this day and age. As an adult, he carries a bit of that thought process, only with a better understanding behind the reasoning behind it. Unlike what most would believe, Kinjabal didn't train all his life to become a warrior. In truth, he's was more a mischief maker. Instead of lifting rocks and boulders and bags of produce and all matter of other idiotic sounding strength "exercises" to become strong, he focused more on annoying and enraging others. He started off by tossing pebbles, then moved on to a slingshot as he got older. By the time he was considered a teenager, he was one of the most skilled marksman in the tribe, and proud to boot. He joined the ranks on a whim, as mischief had become boring to him back then. Other trolls managed to train and discipline the young Kinjabal, and influence his views on the state of things. He became aware of the general wellbeing of the tribe, and found a responsibility to fulfill their shared dream of living out of the hiding. Though he still have a bit of his mischievous self, his first and foremost thoughts belong to his loyalty to his people.