She had emerged from the shower when she discovered the email that was... Inexplicable. To put it mildly. She needed to get out of her makeshift towel dress swiftly before peering eyes would catch a glimpse of her body-- but such perversion would mean severe, severe consequences wouldn't it? She scouted her bearings around her own home and finally skid her fingers against the axis of the email and marked it deleted. "Junk mail nowadays." That was her conclusion; plain and simple. The lights were dimmed within her apartment room and the curtains swiftly shut from spying eyes and dressed herself to her usual oriental attire-- her kimonos. After that, it was to make sure her hair was done properly. [i]"Don't you think you've gained a little weight, my dear?"[/i] A seductive voice caressed her. [I]"Perhaps you shouldn'tve had those hotdogs before you slept."[/i] The voice was still in a pause, reading to her emotions. [I]"Here sweetie, let me help you with that."[/I] A strange phantasmal force uniformed her hair as it quickly crowned her with a neat and tidy side ponytail that laid rest to her waist. The girl seemed to have paid it no mind, maybe it was a part of her? [I]"Look at you, Magna. As beautiful as an orchid flower."[/i] You could see her eyes rolling down the hill of whateverdom. "Yes, yes, Tamela. How lucky I am to have you do most of my fashion advice and hair." She looked at herself by the mirror amused. "What do you think of that email I received?" The voice was silent. "Tamela?" [i]"... Something is at work, dear. I would suggest you follow the email's instructions concisely and... Heed."[/i] This is the first time Tamela had suggested in following what others had willed Magna. "If you... Say so." She stared at herself in the mirror, seeing into her eyes as a shade of Tamela appeared inside of her pupils-- or so she thought. "Come help me do my makeup. We'll be on our way right after."