[center][h3]ALEXANDER SKY[/h3][b]HANGAR, NEW ANCHORAGE[/b][/center] Alexander held his temples as the others talked. Physical tests, battle training, climbing a junk NC; all of those were making him dizzy. He would have been enthusiastic before, but the hits to the head kinda blocked any desire for exertion at present. So, he went to the nearest staff member, and asked for directions to his designated quarters in the pilot's section of the barracks. Once he recieved them, as well as a passkey to his room, the twenty-four year old began walking, trying to will himself to get past the pain and depression. As he arrived to his room without incident, he would find that his luggage had been neatly set down inside the chamber, but right now, the young man just wanted to...sleep. Slumping down on the bed, the NC Pilot began to get some attempt at rest. However, despite his exhaustion his anxiety and dread would take form in his subconciousness and the dream he would begin having slowly twisted itself into a nightmare. [i]In a cold and sterile surgeon's room, filled with the smell of antibiotics and cleaning agents, the six-year old was lying down on a bed, clad only in a hospital gown; the situation was meant to be humiliating without being indecent. Looking at him were three surgeons, whose masks and protective wear made them look identical except for their eyes. The strong lights above outlined them, making them look more shadowy than they really were. The space was large, slightly more so than necessary, so as to produce fear in those taken to it. "To think that a [b]gaijin[/b] slave like him would be compatible with one of [i]our[/i] NCs..." the leftmost doctor said, in a tone of disbelief. "And a son of mere infantryfolk, too!" "Nevertheless," said the central doctor, "we're implanting the plugs into him right now - why?" "So that he would remember the pain," the rightmost doctor said, "It's basic; a child wants to avoid pain, and would, when faced with someone capable of inflicting that pain, try and please them in order to not get hurt." "That's better," said the leftmost surgeon. "We're teaching him his place. So, no anastethic?" "None," the central doctor then turned Alex over, exposing his back to full view. The other surgeons then strapped the six-year old to the bed, and stuffed a small gag into his mouth in order to prevent him from biting his own tounge in the following moments. Then, the boy saw a glimpse of steel -- And the world filled with pain.[/i] "Don't hurt me, don't hurt me," Alex tossed and turned over on his bed, "please..." [i]"But if I'm to be a pilot," Alexander, one year later, was now asking, "why can't I get an NC till I'm eighteen?" "You need to be prepared," Present!Alexander could not remember the source of the voice, "you see, people think that just because you have white skin, that you will turn against us." "I won't!" shouted Alexander, "I'm a good slave!" "That you are," the voice was sounding more feminine now. "You will serve us well." A hand, with two pills on the palm. "Now, swallow them; be a good slave," and Alexander took a glass of water - in the flashback, it had just appeared, and then drank obediently, before lying down on a bed in a fugue state.[/i] The next dream was set in a sterotypical Australian Desert, and was about Tahlia, the Half-Asian beauty saying: "Obey, slave," before she pulled out a whip from out of nowhere, and began hitting Alexander as he held out his arms to shield his face. "You are nothing," she then kicked him on the stomach and shins, forcing him down to the ground. "You are beneath me. Are you scared, little boy? Because I'm going to give you something to fear." "No!" Alexander then pulled out his Jian - from where he also didn't know - and cut 'Tahlia' in half, causing her to disperse into motes of darkness...which then reformed into Graham. "Insubordinate. Child. Spoiled By Overindulgent Employers. Immature. You Deserve [i]Nothing[/i]," the man was saying, stone-faced. Alexander sheathed his Jian and strapped it onto his back, before saying: "Is this what you call order?! What use is law if it cannot give future generations a life better than present ones?!" In response, Graham smirked... then turned into Percy just as the scene turned into the New Anchorage Mess Hall again. "I don't like you, you're a creep," 'Percy' was now saying, "and you did nothing for me. Go away and never approach me again." The sound of soft footsteps were heard, and suddenly, [i]Joe[/i] was behind Alexander. "No one cares about you," the thin, vampire-like man was now saying to the brunette. "None of us oldies care about you, none of your fellow new pilots care about you, no one likes you, you're [i]alone[/i]." "Just go and commit suicide already." Alexander tried to wake up, to banish the dreams, but he couldn't; his body was demanding that he stay asleep. So he stayed, he stayed in the nightmare.