"Yeah, nice to meet you, Chen. My name's David," I responded, rather dully, as if I didn't really want to introduce myself to him... I then hesitated as he held out his hand, but, shook it anyways. Sans appeared after that, and, unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to talk to him away from Chen before everyone else started moving on to he next room. I followed, flying, as I usually do, however, a few moments after Skylar read the note, the room was filled with a bright white light. My soul was visible, so I assumed it was some sort of magical attack, and, thus, I tried my best to dodge whatever was coming my way... it faded, and I didn't seem damaged, so I assumed I did a good job until... I noticed something. I wasn't breathing! I tried to check for any sort of pulse or heartbeat, and... nothing. Was I dead, somehow? No... if I was, then I wouldn't be able to see, let alone hear... myself? "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE!?" I asked, though, my voice sounded familiar, it wasn't my own... wait... was I... somehow... Mettaton? Mettaton, himself was in Skylar's body, that much, I could tell just from how he spoke about his fabulous body, but... I couldn't tell what happened to everyone else. I then remembered something... now, [b][i][u]I[/u][/i][/b] was the one monster guaranteed to be in shot for... whatever it is Mettaton's doing... and, while I would normally just stand there, stuttering, I eventually came up with, well, something, I guess. "SHOCK AND HORROR! IT SEEMS AS IF EVERYONE'S BODIES HAVE BEEN SCRAMBLED! WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR UNDERGROUND CREW? STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT FABULOUS EPISODE!" I tried my best to sound like Mettaton, and the speakers really helped with that, especially when I made them play his theme song, though, inwardly, I was more scared than I've ever been in my life... I then shouted to 'CUT', and 'END SCENE'... but nobody responded, for some reason... I then remembered something... that means someone's stuck in my body now, and... whoever they are, they aren't happy about it. Thinking I was off-camera, I tried my best to use the one wheel that Mettaton uses to move closer to... whoever it was. I was about to say something, but, I decided to use a grey attack just to see their soul, first. [i][color=f49ac2]Pink[/color]... so... they're human... but, somehow, I don't think Chen's soul is pink...[/i] I thought before finally saying "Alright, I know it's hard, it's kind of hard for all of us, please, calm down... now, if you ever need to attack someone, you should have fire, and lightning magic, of course, you can also heal. Now, I've never actually chosen a shape, but, um, I've heard it's easy? Sorry, getting off-track, but, don't worry, I'll try to help you in any way that I can... Skylar," I thought about giving her a thumbs up... but I remembered that this body, in its box form... didn't have any thumbs, so, I settled on giving her a pat on the head, instead, and saying "Come on, we got a couple bosses to convince,"