Bobby closed out the email on his phone and continued to lay down the pain, his mother had ordered him to repaint his room because it was getting to dark in there. Bobby thought on what he had just read, it was true that the voice in his head had started to talk to him a while back and ever since they had bee doing worse things to people and enjoying it. [i]Of course you enjoy it, its fun to cause pain, and even more fun to watch. [/i] Bobby rolled his eyes at this, it was never causing pain that got him off it was everything that lead to it, the planning, the setting up, the thrill all that, he never really cared for watching the outcome. [i]It does not matter, pack a bag, we are going on a little trip, its about time for the fun to begin.[/i] Bobby sighed, he looked around his room for a bag. ""I better not regret this, you may like pain but I don't like feeling it."