[Hider=�] [color=A9A9A9][b] Name:[/b][/color] Luke Friedhold [color=A9A9A9][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=A9A9A9][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=A9A9A9][b]Species:[/b][/color] Werewolf [color=A9A9A9][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Beta/Library Assistant [color=A9A9A9][b] Personality:[/b][/color] [s][sub]βeta as fuck[/sub][/s] Luke is a bit odd in comparison to the other werewolves, seemingly not wanting to harm anyone or anything, being outwardly more [i]humane[/i]. Using human technology, reading human books, and just taking a general liking to them, the man happens to possess a trait that has doomed many men throughout the books he's read, ambition. The only thing balancing his hunger for power are his fears and attempts to be what he considers a moral individual. Due to his fears, Luke tries to make himself prepared for any situation and carries around a lot of gear, and in his attempt to be moral he usually ends up serving as a diplomat. Luke is rather reserved in relation to his pack, but to his friends he is a kindhearted man. Those aren't the reasons he is beta. Intelligent, efficient, and cunning, when wronged he can forget about his desire of being a good individual. At times his vindictiveness can overpower everything else about him, and it is then that Luke is one of the deadliest in his pack. [color=A9A9A9]Other:[/color] He is a vegetarian. [color=A9A9A9][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Luke stands at an unmenacing 5'9" and sports a skinny build. He keeps his black hair short and spiked, this in addition to gray eyes, an angular face, and sharp features makes many consider his human exterior attractive. The man's lightly tanned body is surprisingly near hairless unlike his fellow wolves' human form. The second in command sports a casual attire consisting of a shirt, jeans, and running shoes. The job of keeping him warm is covered by a black hooded coat and matching gloves, and underneath all of this he always conceals a ballistic vest. Among the list of things he always has on him are his rucksack and his watch. [color=000000][i]Wolf form-[/i][/color] Some of his features carry on into his wolf form in the form of his black fur and grey eyes. Unlike his human form Luke appears skeletal in his wolf form and his fur is unkempt with black tendrils sticking out in all directions. The unhealthy guise deceives his opponents, for he is still as strong as any other werewolf, in most cases stronger. Luke's demeanor switches from confident to jittery and jumpy when transforming from human to wolf, and nothing alludes to his incredible speed and reflexes. [hider=Equipment & Weapons] [u]Hand[/u] Umbrella [u]Pocket[/u] Machine pistol Extra Magazines x2 Enchanted flashlight attachment Ballistic knife x2 Condom Phone Mints x23 [hider=Wallet] $60 ID Gift card x2 Metrocard Library Card[/hider] [u]Rucksack[/u] Wooden stake x3 Bottle of holy water Multitool Lighter Map of Bronx Map of Manhattan First aid kit Box of Cards Ballistic mask Guide to Mythical Creatures Guide to War Picture of mother[/hider] [color=A9A9A9][b]History:[/b][/color] Luke doesn't recall much of his early childhood. According to the wolves' who found him crying in the woods his mother was killed by some hunters and the same hunters must've scooped the boy up from his home before leaving him in the forest for whatever reason. Soon after his first contact with the pack he received a photo of his mother from his aunt, however none of the wolves have seen his father due to the couple's desire to keep their relationship and illegitimate child secret. If not for the similar features and lil toddler Luke whining his name, his aunt wouldn't have recognized him. He lived with the pack and when he came of schooling age the boy reentered human society, instantly fascinated by all that he could grasp of it. History! Politics! Weapons! Humans surely were a species all their own. The teen got into many fights with other pack members which resulted in either Luke finishing the fight swiftly or losing a long drawn out fight; the prior happened majority of the time. After finishing high school Luke got a job at the library he loved so much, at first as a pager and then as a library assistant. Now that a war could possibly kill much of what he loves, the man is attempting to find his father and his possible step-family along with attempting to make ties with the right members of other factions. He will do anything to avoid a war. [/hider]